The company "GEO INNOTER" provides advanced and efficient services based on remote sensing materials. The company performs the creation of mine surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps of field development at scales of 1:2,000–1:10,000.

Surveying work is carried out for both open-pit and underground mining methods, the construction of mining enterprises, and monitoring the movement of rock masses and the earth's surface. One of the main requirements for ensuring safe operations related to subsoil use is conducting a complex of geological, surveying, and other observations sufficient to ensure the normal technological cycle of work and predict hazardous situations, timely determining and marking dangerous zones on mining plans.

The activities related to the production of surveying work in accordance with the Instructions for the production of surveying work include:

  • Spatial-geometric measurements of mining developments and underground structures, determining their parameters, location, and compliance with project documentation.
  • Monitoring the state of mining allotments and justifying their boundaries.
  • Maintaining mining graphic documentation.
  • Determining hazardous zones and measures for the protection of mining developments, buildings, structures, and natural objects.

The mining graphic documentation includes surveying cartographic documentation, which displays:

  • Relief, hydrography, settlements, etc.
  • Exploratory and production wells, etc.
  • Main pipelines;
  • Engineering communications.
  • Compressor stations and other facilities for the extraction, processing, and transportation of oil and gas.
  • Geological information (presence of geological disturbances and features).

In accordance with the mentioned Instructions, updating cartographic documentation can be carried out based on aerial and ground-based laser scanning and the creation of orthophoto maps from aerial and satellite imagery materials. The existing regulatory framework determines the composition of documents created using aerial and satellite information, including mine surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps of field development at scales of 1:2,000–1:10,000.

Sources of Initial Information

The company "GEO INNOTER" ensures the acquisition and provision of aerial and satellite information to consumers as a distributor from the following information sources:

  • Spacecraft with ultra-high and high-resolution (0.3–1.0 m) optical-electronic equipment operating in the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared spectral ranges.
  • Aerial carriers (airplanes, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles) equipped with digital optical cameras, scanning optical-electronic systems, radiometers, lidars, synthetic aperture radars, and other instruments.

Technologies for Creating Surveying and Geodetic Plans and Topographic Maps for Field Development at Scales of 1:2000–1:10000

LTD "GEO INNOTER" employs various technologies and software tools to create surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps for field development depending on the scale.

The basis for this is the requirements for conducting surveying work in the development of mineral deposits, construction of mining enterprises, and other subsoil uses.

The creation of surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps at a scale of 1:10 000 is carried out based on satellite imagery with a ground resolution of at least 0.5 meters. Photogrammetric and cartographic work includes:

  • creation of a spatial and elevation framework for satellite imagery;
  • construction of a digital terrain model;
  • external orientation and orthotransformation of satellite images;
  • office creation of vector maps at a scale of 1:10 000 based on orthophoto maps.

Surveying and Geodetic Plan of a Field at a Scale of 1:10000
Surveying and Geodetic Plan of a Field at a Scale of 1:10000

The creation of surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps at a scale of 1:5000 is carried out, depending on the customer's requirements, either based on satellite imagery or aerial photography.

When using satellite imagery with a resolution of 0.3 meters, the following tasks are performed:

  • Recognition on the ground and determination of the coordinates and heights of plan-elevation markers and control points using GNSS receivers;
  • Creation of a digital terrain model of the Earth's surface;
  • Creation of digital orthophoto maps at a scale of 1:5000;
  • Field interpretation of digital orthophoto maps;
  • Creation of surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps at a scale of 1:5000, with continuous contouring at 1.0-meter intervals.

When creating maps and plans at a scale of 1:5000 based on aerial photography with a resolution of 0.2 meters, the following tasks are performed:

  • Execution of digital aerial photography and airborne laser scanning;
  • Creation of a geodetic network of GNSS base stations and recognition signs using satellite geodetic dual-frequency equipment;
  • Creation of a digital terrain model based on laser reflection data;
  • Creation of digital orthophoto maps;
  • Field interpretation of infrastructure objects across the entire area of aerial photography;
  • Creation of surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps at a scale of 1:5000 with a contour interval of 1.0 meters.
Surveying and Geodetic Plan of a Field at a Scale of 1:5000
Surveying and Geodetic Plan of a Field at a Scale of 1:5000

The creation of surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps at a scale of 1:2000 is carried out based on aerial photography with a resolution of 0.1 meters. The work includes:

  • Execution of digital aerial photography and airborne laser scanning;
  • Creation of a geodetic network of GNSS base stations and recognition signs using satellite geodetic dual-frequency equipment;
  • Creation of a digital terrain model based on laser reflection data;
  • Creation of digital orthophoto maps;
  • Field interpretation of infrastructure objects across the entire area of aerial photography;
  • Creation of surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps at a scale of 1:2000 with a contour interval of 1.0 meters.
Topographic Plan of the Area at a Scale of 1:2000 (from the surveyors' report)
Topographic Plan of the Area at a Scale of 1:2000 (from the surveyors' report)


The creation of surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps for field development at scales of 1:2000–1:10,000 is intended for project and construction organizations in the oil and gas sector and other interested entities, aiming to:

  • Conduct engineering and geodetic surveys of areas for new construction.
  • Ensure the safe operation of enterprises, buildings, structures, pipeline transport, and field operations.
  • Perform reconstruction, major repairs, and restoration of objects, including buildings, structures, and components of the oil and gas transportation system.


By the efforts and resources of LLC "GEO INNOTER":

  • Acquisition and processing of satellite imagery, decryption, digitization of necessary content elements, and generation of vector layers for the created map (plan).

Through local partners:

  • Fieldwork and engineering surveys.

To order surveying and geodetic plans and topographic maps for field development at scales of 1:2000–1:10,000, please contact us at: +7 495 245-04-24, or send a request via email: