Environmental Monitoring is a comprehensive observation of the state and indicators of the environment, natural ecosystems, including components of the natural environment and natural ecological systems, as well as the processes and phenomena occurring in them. It involves the assessment and prediction of changes in the state of the environment. Ecological monitoring is the process of observing the condition of the environment, which includes monitoring and data collection on various aspects such as water levels, air quality, and soil condition.

Why is ecological monitoring necessary?

Ecological monitoring is essential for identifying changes occurring due to both natural processes and direct human impact. By conducting ecological monitoring, it becomes possible to track and assess the changes and potential impacts on the environment. It helps in understanding the effects of human activities on nature and ecosystems, identifying potential risks to the environment, and making informed decisions for sustainable development.

Ecological monitoring encompasses the observation of various environmental components, including soil and water resources, air quality, biological resources, and mineral resources. This holistic approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the environment and helps in developing effective environmental management and conservation strategies.

Goals and Objectives of Environmental Monitoring:

The goal of environmental monitoring is to promptly track anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic changes in the state of the environment.

Objectives of environmental monitoring:

  • Monitoring the state of the environment;
  • Generating informational data on the current state of the external environment and its degree of pollution;
  • Conducting large-scale observations of anthropogenic impact factors;
  • Forecasting trends in changes to the natural environment;
  • Identifying sources of anthropogenic influence and organizing observations of them;
  • Forecasting and controlling natural disasters and technological accidents.


Advantages of Using Remote Sensing Data in Environmental Monitoring

Space remote sensing using satellite imagery allows:

  • Prompt identification of focal points and the nature of changes in the environment.
  • Covering extensive, including hard-to-reach, territories in one moment in time;
  • Practically continuous tracking of changes and dynamics in environmental processes;

Remote sensing using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) allows:

  • Prompt identification of focal points and the nature of changes in the environment on small land plots. (It is expedient for use in local environmental monitoring - monitoring the impact of a specific anthropogenic source.)
  • Researching territories within minutes instead of several months, as with traditional methods.

Prices for services

Activities Free / Cost per Unit of Measurement
Consultation Free
Image Acquisition, Preliminary Analysis Free
Ordering Images From 300 to 600 USD per image (number of images depends on the area of the territory)
Work of Technical Specialists From 70,000 rubles (calculated individually)
Report Compilation From 50,000 rubles (calculated individually)
TOTAL COST From 120,000 rubles (calculated individually) *

*Price depends on the area and type of environmental monitoring, calculated individually for each client.

The cost of execution is calculated on an individual basis, taking into account a specific of task.

After receiving the task description, we calculate the cost and send you a commercial offer.

Period of execution

Harmonization of issues and applied images: from 1 to 15*
Contract conclusion: 1 to 3
Receipt of images: 1 to 5**
Image processing: from 10 to 35
Deep automated remote sensing data analysis for preparation of analytical cartographic materials: from 1 to 20
Analysis of collected data and environmental assessment: from 1 to 5
Report writing: from 2 to 15
TOTAL TIME: from 20*

* working days
** from the date of receipt of 100% advance payment, if new survey is ordered, the timeframe will increase

Lead time from 20 days depends on the area and type of environmental tracking, calculated individually for each customer.

How to place an order:

  1. STEP №1: Submit an Application on the Website with the Following Information:
    • Location of the Research Object (Coordinates, Cadastre Number, etc.);
    • Type of Environmental Monitoring Required;
    • Dates for the Analysis to Be Conducted.
  2. STEP №2: Agreement on Technical Specifications and Cost:
    • Work of Technical Specialists from RUB 70,000;
    • Images are paid separately (one high-resolution image from 300–600 USD).
  3. STEP №3: Contract Signing and Commencement of Work:
    • Timeline of 20 working days from the date of receiving 100% advance payment - payment only via bank transfer.

We collaborate with individuals, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, governmental and municipal authorities, foreign clients, etc.

Need for consultation?

Fill the form and we will contact you

By clicking the «Send» button, you give your consent to the processing of your personal data, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 «On Personal Data», on the conditions and for the purposes specified in the Consent to the processing of personal data.

Stages of service provision

Stage № 0 (BEFORE Contract Conclusion):

  • Determination of the observation object;
  • Definition of dates and parameters for the desired imagery (imaging period, imaging type);
  • Checking the availability of archived remote sensing data within the area of interest;
  • Verification of selected archived images for compliance with customer requirements;
  • Requesting new imagery from the operator(s) if necessary.

RESULT: possibility (YES/NO) of providing environmental monitoring services

Stage № 1 (BEFORE Contract Conclusion):

  • Agreement on available remote sensing data in the operators' archives;
  • Agreement, if necessary, on the satellite from which the new imagery will be obtained, period, and parameters of the new imagery;
  • Agreement on the required environmental monitoring specifications;
  • Final determination of labor and material costs, agreement on delivery timelines and costs;
  • Agreement on the Technical Assignment for the entire scope.

RESULT: signed contract

Stage № 2 (Contract Execution):

Procedure for Contract Execution

  • Receiving 100% advance payment;
  • Ordering materials for the satellite imagery;
  • Incoming inspection of remote sensing materials;
  • Processing of remote sensing materials, obtaining geo-referenced images (if necessary);
  • Orthorectification of images and creation of a seamless orthomosaic;
  • Color correction and cloud cover correction of the resulting orthomosaic;
  • In-depth automated analysis of remote sensing data for the preparation of analytical cartographic materials;
  • Analysis of collected information and assessment of the environmental situation;
  • Creation of analytical cartographic materials.

RESULT: report on the environmental condition of the territory

The result of the provision of services

GEO INNOTER provides a report on the environmental condition of the territory, presentation materials, special maps of dynamics and forecast of natural processes, geo-referenced Tiff (Geo TIFF) images, and vector layers of identified objects in Mid/Mif format.

All results are delivered on electronic media or through the Internet via FTP servers, and textual materials are also duplicated in printed form.

In addition, based on the research conducted by GEO INNOTER specialists, the execution of forensic expertise on the environmental condition of the territory is possible.

One of the outcomes of the work is the creation of a database for display as a GIS layer or an environmental map.

Environmental maps include representations of habitat conditions and their dynamics, the relationship of biocenoses with the environment, and ecological factors and aggregates determining the living organisms' conditions and development. An environmental map compactly displays environmental characteristics influencing the state of living organisms.

The purpose of environmental mapping is to analyze the environmental situation and its dynamics, i.e., to identify spatial and temporal variations of natural environmental factors affecting the state of ecosystems. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to collect, analyze, evaluate, integrate, territorially interpret, and create a geographically accurate cartographic representation of diverse ecological information. The tasks of environmental mapping are solved both within the framework of traditional, established thematic branches with appropriate adaptation of content and by creating maps with completely original and specific content.

Schematic ecological map - a special map created during environmental monitoring and engineering-ecological surveys for the design and construction of objects in the oil and gas complex. The creation of schematic ecological maps complies with the guidelines for engineering-ecological surveys and other regulatory and technical documents for creating ecological maps. Topographic maps are used as a basis, adapted and updated for the research area. Schematic ecological maps are created in scales of 1:25000 and finer, depending on the size of the study areas with allocated exploration areas.

Content-wise, schematic ecological maps differ from standard topographic maps, which may have a simplified and generalized form. However, they display the main spatial patterns of construction objects' placement, as well as sources of emissions or pollution. The schemes are characterized by diversity and original special content.

Example of a schematic map of technogenic load and actual material of IEI

The main elements of the content of schematic ecological maps are roads, settlements, and various communications. The hydrographic network is displayed in maximum detail since water bodies represent significant barriers during construction. The maps depict lines of territory development, security zones, and the boundaries of the land plot with an allocated exploration area.

Requirements for Source Information

  • Accurate geographic coordinates of the object in the required coordinate system (GEO INNOTER specialists will clarify the coordinates provided by the Customer in any convenient form).
  • Images meeting the criteria of time, spatial resolution, and the required spectral channels, with RPC georeferencing.

If it is not possible to provide the specified information, provide information about the purpose of using remote sensing materials, and GEO INNOTER specialists will analyze the requirements and propose the optimal solution to the problem.

The main source for creating environmental maps is materials from satellite imagery. The specific properties of satellite imagery ensure compliance with the main requirements for environmental maps:

  • The multi-aspect interpretation of data allows multifaceted and purposeful mapping of natural complexes.
  • The unified photogrammetric base facilitates the alignment of characteristics of natural objects and their uniform localization in cartographic representation.
  • The simultaneous availability of information for all types and directions of mapping allows mapping the current environmental conditions accurately.
  • The reduced time for collecting thematic information significantly speeds up the preparation of cartographic documents by reducing the amount of labor-intensive ground surveys.
  • The possibility of repeated registration of the state of natural complexes at certain time intervals allows studying the characteristics of their dynamics and development, contributing to reliable

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Zazulyak Evgeny Leonidovich
The material was checked by an expert
Zazulyak Evgeny Leonidovich
Engineer, 28 years of experience, Education - Moscow Topographic Polytechnic Technical School, St. Petersburg Higher Military Topographic Command School named after Army General A.I. Antonov, Military Engineering University named after V.V. Kuibyshev. Kuibyshev Military Engineering University.



  • Location of the object of interest (coordinates, district name, region, shapefile, etc.);
  • Requirements for the survey period (period for which archive data can be used or the need for a new survey);
  • Whether environmental monitoring has been conducted in this area;
100% prepayment on the invoice for RS materials after signing the contract, the rest of the payment after execution.
Monitoring is a multi-level system. In the chronological aspect, the following systems (or subsystems) are usually distinguished: detailed, local, regional, national, and global levels. Local systems can be combined into larger systems, such as regional monitoring systems, which cover territories of regions within a territory or several regions. These regional monitoring systems, by integrating data from observation networks with different approaches, parameters, monitoring areas, and frequencies, allow for comprehensive assessments of territory conditions and provide forecasts of their development. Regional monitoring systems can be further combined within a country into a unified national (or state) monitoring network, forming a national level of monitoring. An example of such a system was the "Unified State System of Environmental Monitoring of the Russian Federation" (UGSEMR) and its territorial subsystems, which were successfully created in the 1990s to address the tasks of territory management adequately. However, in 2002, the UGSEMR was abolished along with the Ministry of Ecology, and currently, Russia only has departmentally scattered observation networks, which do not allow for adequate resolution of strategic territory management tasks considering environmental imperatives. Global monitoring is a system of monitoring and forecasting possible changes in global processes and phenomena, including anthropogenic impacts on the Earth's biosphere as a whole. Currently, the full-scale creation of such a system, operating under the auspices of the United Nations, remains a task for the future, as many countries do not yet have their own national systems. The global environmental and resource monitoring system is intended to address global ecological problems across the entire Earth, such as global warming, ozone layer preservation, earthquake prediction, forest conservation, global desertification and soil erosion, floods, food and energy resource reserves, etc. An example of such a subsystem of environmental monitoring is the global seismic monitoring network of the Earth, operating within the framework of the International Program for Earthquake Foci Control. At the regional level, the monitoring approach is based on the fact that pollutants, when released into the environment, disperse and become part of the substance cycle in the biosphere. As a result, changes occur in the main components of the biosphere: abiotic and biotic components. Local monitoring involves studying the space of one source under the influence of a group of enterprises in an industrial zone or a municipal entity (city, district).
Environmental control is an activity of state bodies, enterprises and citizens on observance of environmental norms and rules. There is a distinction between state, industrial and public environmental control.

The environmental monitoring system should accumulate, systematize, and analyze information:

  • about the state of the environment;
  • about the reasons for observed and probable changes in the state (i.e., about sources and impact factors);
  • about the admissibility of changes and loads on the environment as a whole;
  • about the existing reserves of the biosphere.

Thus, the environmental monitoring system includes observations of the state of elements of the biosphere and observations of sources and factors of anthropogenic impact.

In accordance with the given definitions and functions assigned to the system, monitoring involves three main directions of activity:

  • Observations of influencing factors and the state of the environment;
  • Assessment of the actual state of the environment;
  • Forecasting the state of the surrounding natural environment and evaluating the predicted condition.

The information about the state of the environment obtained in the environmental monitoring system is used by the management system to prevent or eliminate negative environmental situations, assess the adverse consequences of environmental changes, as well as to develop forecasts for socio-economic development, design programs in the field of environmental development, and environmental protection.

The environmental monitoring system should accumulate, systematize, and analyze information:

  • about the state of the environment;
  • about the reasons for observed and probable changes in the state (i.e., about sources and impact factors);
  • about the admissibility of changes and loads on the environment as a whole;
  • about the existing reserves of the biosphere.

Thus, the environmental monitoring system includes observations of the state of elements of the biosphere and observations of sources and factors of anthropogenic impact.

In accordance with the given definitions and functions assigned to the system, monitoring involves three main directions of activity:

  • Observations of influencing factors and the state of the environment;
  • Assessment of the actual state of the environment;
  • Forecasting the state of the surrounding natural environment and evaluating the predicted condition.

The information about the state of the environment obtained in the environmental monitoring system is used by the management system to prevent or eliminate negative environmental situations, assess the adverse consequences of environmental changes, as well as to develop forecasts for socio-economic development, design programs in the field of environmental development, and environmental protection.

One of the important components of the regional environmental monitoring system is monitoring of soil horizon condition for contamination with pesticides and heavy metals. The importance of this type of observation is explained by the fact that soils are significantly involved in the life activity of plants, animals and humans. The interaction of soils with human economic activity, expressed through various types of construction and agricultural production, motor vehicles leads to the accumulation of toxic chemicals. Monitoring studies of soils are necessary to determine the changes that occur with soils in order to identify and prevent negative processes that lead to their chemical and mechanical degradation
According to natural components, geological, atmospheric, hydrological, geophysical, soil, forest, biological, geobotanical, zoological are distinguished. Atmospheric air monitoring is a system for observing the state of atmospheric air, its pollution and natural phenomena occurring in it, as well as the assessment and forecast of the state of atmospheric air, its pollution. Other component monitoring can be defined similarly.
Subsystems of environmental monitoring differ by objects of observation. Since the components of the environment are air, water, mineral and raw material and energy resources, bioresources, soils, etc., the monitoring subsystems corresponding to them are distinguished. However, monitoring subsystems do not have a unified system of indicators, unified zoning of territories, unity in the frequency of monitoring, etc., which makes it impossible to take adequate measures in managing the development and environmental condition of territories. Therefore, when making decisions, it is important to focus not only on the data of "private systems" of monitoring (hydrometeorological, resource, socio-hygienic, biota, etc.), but to create integrated environmental monitoring systems on their basis.
emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by industrial, energy, transport and other industries leading to the release of hazardous substances into the atmosphere and spills of liquid pollutants and hazardous substances, etc.
monitoring the impact of environmental factors on the health of the population.
The main objects of research are small (local) rivers and lakes.
When sampling, special attention should be paid to the fact that water sampling should be carried out 15 - 30 cm below the water table. This is due to the fact that the surface film is a boundary medium between air and water and the concentration of most pollutants (pollutants) in it is 10-100 or more times higher than in the water column itself. The pollution of stagnant water bodies can be judged by bottom sediments. When sampling, it is important to consider the season in which the sampling takes place.
According to the Law, environmental expertise is based on the principle of presumption of potential environmental danger of any planned economic or other activity. This means that the customer (the owner of the proposed activity) is obliged to forecast the impact of the proposed activity on the environment and justify the permissibility of this impact. The customer is also obliged to provide for the necessary measures to protect the environment, and it is the customer who has the burden of proving the environmental safety of the proposed activity. Foreign experience testifies to the high economic efficiency of environmental expertise. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency carried out a sample analysis of environmental impact statements. In half of the cases studied, the total cost of projects was reduced due to the implementation of constructive environmental protection measures. According to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the possible increase in project costs associated with environmental impact assessments and subsequent incorporation of environmental constraints into working projects pays for itself in an average of 5-7 years. According to Western experts, the inclusion of environmental factors in the decision-making process at the design stage turns out to be 3-4 times cheaper than the subsequent one before the installation of treatment equipment. Today, the network of observations of sources of impact and the state of the biosphere covers the entire globe. The Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS) was created by joint efforts of the world community (the main provisions and objectives of the program were formulated in 1974 at the First Intergovernmental Meeting on Monitoring). The organization of monitoring of environmental pollution and the factors causing its impact was recognized as the primary task. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
covers the development and use of means, systems and methods of observation, assessment and development of recommendations and controlling influence in the natural-technogenic sphere, forecasts of its evolution, energy-ecological and technological characteristics of the production sphere, medical-biological and sanitary-hygienic conditions of human and biota existence. The complexity of environmental problems, their multidimensionality, their close connection with the key sectors of the economy, defense and ensuring the protection of health and welfare of the population requires a unified systematic approach to solving the problem. Monitoring in general is created to prevent various environmental problems as well as the destruction of ecosystems. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
The term "monitoring" first appeared in the recommendations of the Special Commission of SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment) of UNESCO in 1971, and then environmental monitoring was considered at the 1972 Stockholm Conference of the United Nations Organisation on the Environment.
Remote sensing contributes to environmental monitoring by capturing information from the Earth's surface, atmosphere, and oceans. Key environmental parameters include land cover changes, air and water quality, temperature variations, and the extent of natural disasters.
Common remote sensing instruments include optical sensors, thermal infrared sensors, radar systems, and spectrometers. Optical sensors capture visible and near-infrared light, while thermal sensors detect heat. Radar systems penetrate through clouds and vegetation, providing information on surface structure. Spectrometers analyze the electromagnetic spectrum for specific signatures, aiding in environmental monitoring.
Remote sensing data is valuable for monitoring water resources by providing information on water quality, surface temperatures, and changes in water bodies. It aids in the assessment of water availability, identification of pollution sources, and management of coastal ecosystems through the monitoring of shoreline changes.
Remote sensing supports disaster management by providing timely information for early warning and post-disaster assessment. Before disasters, it helps monitor environmental conditions conducive to events like floods or wildfires. After disasters, it aids in damage assessment, identifying affected areas, and facilitating efficient response and recovery efforts.
GIS technology enhances the analysis of remote sensing data by providing tools for spatial analysis, visualization, and data integration. It allows environmental scientists to overlay and analyze multiple layers of information, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of environmental changes and supporting informed decision-making for resource management and conservation.



Main normative legal documents defining the tasks and procedure for conducting environmental monitoring:

  • Federal Law of 10.01.2002 No. 7-FZ (as of 30.12.2021) "On Environmental Protection."
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.08.2013 No. 681 (as of 30.11.2018) "On State Environmental Monitoring (State Monitoring of the Environment) and the State Data Fund of State Environmental Monitoring (State Monitoring of the Environment)" (together with the "Regulation on State Environmental Monitoring (State Monitoring of the Environment) and the State Data Fund of State Environmental Monitoring (State Monitoring of the Environment)").

For each type of environmental monitoring, there is a normative legal document (For example, for subsurface monitoring: Regulation on the Procedure for Conducting State Monitoring of the Subsoil Status of the Russian Federation (approved by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated 21.05.2001 No. 433)).

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