With the emergence and development of new technologies, monitoring seas has been taken to a fundamentally new level. Today, there exists a unique technology developed by the "Innoter" team that enables regular satellite monitoring of marine waters. This method relies on integrating data from various sources, including:

  1. Radar images, distinguished by their independence from lighting or weather conditions.
  2. Optical images, allowing for varied image quality suited for monitoring different objects such as distressed vessels or freezing ports.
  3. Drifting object models generated using specialized programs for high-precision tracking.
  4. AIS data.
  5. Hydrometeorological data.

This observation method is indispensable for solving key tasks such as:

  • Determining the location of any floating objects on the water's surface.
  • Evaluating ice conditions in areas of mineral extraction and maritime routes.
  • Planning and executing icebreaker operations.
  • Assessing coastal waters near oil terminals, ports, and similar facilities.
  • Detecting surface film pollutants in seas, identifying their sources.
  • Modeling the drift of freely floating objects, accounting for hydrological and meteorological parameters.
  • Monitoring offshore oil and gas facilities.
  • Observing the condition of vessels in distress.
  • Monitoring water pollution resulting from natural or anthropogenic disasters.
  • Environmental monitoring critical for wildlife preservation in modern adverse conditions.
  • Monitoring marine reserves.

Why Monitoring is so Effective

Innoter has a dedicated department ensuring rapid data transmission to clients via modern web technologies. This ensures data delivery in real-time or near-real-time, optimizing usability.

Regarding marine monitoring, the company has developed a system called the "Marine Portal" specifically for this task. It comprises services enabling real-time monitoring of water conditions, vessel status, and navigation conditions.

Radar images possess unique capabilities, allowing easy detection of vessels on water surfaces regardless of natural lighting or cloud cover.

In today's world, the only source of information for the Arctic during polar night is space-based radar. Radar data ensures high-frequency imaging and extensive territory coverage.

Analyzing ice conditions using radar images has been significantly advanced. The system identifies types of ice fields, crucial for navigation, including polynyas, cracks, low cohesion areas, and pack ice formations. This information is widely used to plan optimal routes and maneuvering options for vessels.