Sat-Sun: Non-working days
The basis for these works is a comprehensive program for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of gas transportation facilities and UGS compressor stations for the period 2007-2010, approved by Resolution of the Gazprom Management Committee No. 40 of SeptemberProject's objective
The purpose of these works is to create and update digital terrain models (DTM) of 1: 25000 scale in the corridor of the condensate line (km 0 – km 703), for the subsequent creation of thematic maps for the area to be mapped.
Work description
Analysis of the availability and quality of the original cartographic and space photographic materials (year of creation / survey, cloudiness, haze, mutual overlap, etc.).
Creating a mosaic of images from materials of space imagery.
Build relief.
Topographic interpretation.
Formation of coordinated thematic layers.
Filling attribute tables to thematic layers.
Formation of CMM and cameral control of the model obtained.
Registration of reporting documentation.
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