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LTD "Ecology of the City"

Project's objective

Determine the presence of signs of economic activity at the site in 2012, what are their approximate dimensions in plan in meters and what are the measurement errors from space images.

Work description

The purpose of this report is the visual interpretation of a land plot located at the address provided by the customer.

The company "Innoter LLC," possessing the rights to supply space data in accordance with the licensing agreement between "Innoter LLC" and DigitalGlobe, Inc., acquired a digital satellite image captured by the WorldView-2 satellite, which is commercial property of the American company DigitalGlobe. The image was taken on August 1, 2012.

The spatial resolution of the image is 50 cm.

The positioning of the plot was carried out according to geographic coordinates and the relative location of natural and anthropogenic objects located in the immediate vicinity of the study area.

In the process of recognizing objects in the WorldView-2 image taken on August 1, 2012, the presence of the plot at the address required by the customer, distinguished by its tone and internal layout structure from the surrounding territorial formations, was identified. Subsequently, the boundaries of the cadastral plot were determined.

Results of object and part recognition on the WorldView-2 satellite image taken on August 1, 2012.

Fig. Results of object and part recognition on the WorldView-2 satellite image taken on August 1, 2012.

A more detailed analysis of the area of interest led to the identification in the northeastern part of the plot of woody and shrubby vegetation (by their own and projected shadows, as well as by the tone and structure of the image taking into account the date of the survey) (area 1 in the figure), surrounded by dirt roads from the south and west approximately 3 to 10 meters wide (the image resolution allows for recognizing the ruts of the linear object) (objects 2 in the figure). In the southern part of the plot, there is a fence, visually divided into 3 parts: the western part, extending from north to south, approximately 45 meters long; the central part, extending from west to east, approximately 120 meters long; and the eastern part, extending from north to south, approximately 30 meters long (objects 3 in the figure). Adjoining the southern part of the fence is a capital construction object with approximate dimensions of 10 by 20 meters (object 4 in the figure). To the west of it is a smaller object with approximate dimensions of 5 by 5 meters (object 5 in the figure). The rest of the plot is occupied by grassy vegetation, recognized by its characteristic tone without its own and projected shadows (mainly in the northern part of the plot) (area 6 in the figure) and heterogeneous in tone and chaotic internal structure areas, presumed to be areas of solid waste disposal (mainly in the southern part of the plot) (area 7 in the figure).

The plot itself is approximately 100 to 150 meters long from west to east and 280 to 340 meters from north to south.


On the site at the address provided by the customer as of August 1, 2012 there are signs and traces of economic activity, including two objects of capital construction. 

As of that date, the site has an approximate length of 100 to 150 meters from west to east and 280 to 340 meters from north to south. Signs of economic activity were identified throughout the site, with the exception of the northeastern wooded area (Area 1 in Fig.) 

In accordance with the image spatial resolution, as well as taking into account the absence of ortho-correction and taking into account the correlation of image elements with vector boundaries of cadastre plots, the measurement errors of objects and their parts are 1 m, their position - 5 m.

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