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Law office for private individuals

Project's objective

Visual interpretation of the required capital construction facility located at the address provided by the customer in the Bryansk region. Receive confirmation that the house had already been built on the date of marriage.

Work description

On behalf of the customer, the company acquired digital satellite images taken by the WorldView-1 satellites on July 26, 2012, and June 27, 2013, and by the WorldView-2 satellite on August 2, 2016. These satellites are commercial property of the American company DigitalGlobe.

The spatial resolution of all images is 50 cm.

The positioning of the site was carried out not only by geographical coordinates but also by the mutual location relative to natural and anthropogenic objects located in the immediate vicinity of the research area.

When working with the WorldView-1 image taken on July 26, 2012, the presence of two capital construction objects on the site was identified (Fig. 1). According to the relative geographical location and relative height, determined by the projection shadow, object 2 is assumed to be part of object 1 and has a flat roof. Approximate sizes of the objects (according to the image resolution): No.1 – 10 m x 10 m, No.2 – 7 m x 3 m.

Результаты дешифрирования космического изображения WorldView-2, полученного 26 июля 2012 года

Fig. 1. Results of decoding the WorldView-2 satellite image taken on July 26, 2012

When recognizing the objects in the WorldView-1 image taken on June 27, 2013, the presence of four capital construction objects on the site was identified (Fig. 2). Compared to the satellite image of 2012, objects 3 and 4 have appeared. According to the relative geographical location and relative height, determined by the projection shadow, object 2 is assumed to be part of object 1 and has a flat roof. Objects 1 and 3 are identified with a gable roof type. Approximate sizes of the objects have been determined.

Результаты дешифрирования космического изображения WorldView-1, полученного 27 июня 2013 года

Fig. 2. Results of decoding the WorldView-1 satellite image taken on June 27, 2013.

When recognizing the objects in the WorldView-2 image taken on August 2, 2016, the presence of the same four capital construction objects with the same location was identified on the site (Fig. 3). However, another object (5), attached to object 1, is recognized by the projection shadow and uniform tone. In addition, in this satellite image, the roof of object 1 is decoded as hipped based on gradient differences in tone. Object 2 appears slightly larger compared to the same object in the 2013 image, and two ridges stand out due to the difference in brightness, indicating a triple-pitched roof. A repeating regular structure of rhombic patterns is recognized between objects 2 and 4. Based on this characteristic and the absence of any type of shadows, it is concluded that this is a flat area, presumably made of decorated paving stones.

Результаты дешифрирования космического изображения WorldView-2, полученного 2 августа 2016 года.

Fig. 3. Results of decoding the WorldView-2 satellite image taken on August 2, 2016.


The presence and changes in capital construction projects that occurred from 2012 to 2016 were detected:

As of July 26, 2012, the presence of two capital construction projects was established on the site (objects 1 and 2).

In the image from June 27, 2013, in addition to objects 1 and 2, objects 3 and 4 are added.

And as of August 2, 2016, to these four objects is added object 5, which, like object 1, due to its close proximity, is assumed to be an extension to object 2. In addition, in the 2016 image, a repeating regular structure of diamond-shaped patterns is recognized between objects 2 and 4 (presumably decorated paving stones). This was not observed in the images of 2012 and 2013. Changes have occurred in the types of roofs: unlike 2012 and 2013, in the image of 2016, objects 1 and 2 have slightly different roofs (object 1 changed the roof type from gable to hipped, object 2 changed the roof type from flat to three-pitch), as well as in the size of the object 2.

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