Innoter accepts non-binding pre-orders for satellite imagery from the most advanced high-resolution and very high-resolution satellites:
WorldView-1-2-3, GeoEye (USA);
SuperView, TripleSat, GF-2 (China); 
KompSat-3, 3A (South Korea);
Pleiades, SPOT-6,7 (European Union); 
KazEOSat-1 (Kazakhstan); 
БКА (Belarus); 
Aist-2D (Russia) and others.

The imaging season has begun! Placing an order for new satellite imagery in 2020 without an obligation to purchase is the optimal solution for those who are planning but have not yet determined the volume, cost, and timing of data acquisition.

A pre-order entails lower priority for the imaging but does not obligate the customer to purchase the data.

If the completed imagery is needed at a later time, it can be purchased at the price of archived data, which is much more advantageous!

Placing orders earlier helps to expedite processing time and reduce the cost of satellite imaging for the areas and regions of your interest. Examples of satellite imaging can be viewed in the satellites section.

We look forward to receiving your orders via email: