Ecology is the study of relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment. It aims to understand the connections between plants, animals, and the surrounding world. Ecology also provides information about the benefits of ecosystems and how to use Earth's resources to keep the environment healthy for future generations.

Today, the global economy requires compliance with strict environmental standards. By the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, the trend toward environmental sustainability has become stable and virtually irreversible. Responsible environmental practices, reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and implementing resource-saving technologies are among its most prominent manifestations.

Many fields of ecology, such as marine ecology, vegetation studies, and statistical ecology, provide information to help understand the natural world. This information can also improve environmental conditions, enhance the efficiency of natural resource use, and protect human health.


Ecology consists of 30+ disciplines.

Industrial ecology is the study of systemic relationships between society, the economy, and the natural environment. It focuses on using technology to reduce environmental impact and align human development with environmental protection while recognizing the importance of socio-economic factors in achieving these goals.

Industrial ecology research often quantifies the usage and circulation of materials and energy within society and their exchange (extraction and emissions) with nature. This analysis focuses on different levels and scales, from eco-industrial parks and cities to national economies and global trends.

Ecosystem services are the functions of natural systems that provide benefits to humans for free. Effective environmental land management improves ecosystem services such as pollination, flood control, carbon storage, biodiversity preservation, and recreation. 

Assessing the state of the environment leads to actions aimed at protecting and conserving nature.


To control human impact on the biosphere, environmental monitoring has been used since the late 20th century. It involves comprehensive observations of environmental conditions, including natural ecosystem components, ongoing processes, and changes, with assessment and forecasting of their state.

Monitoring is classified based on several criteria:

  • By location relative to the environment
  • By purpose of use
  • By type of negative factor
  • By the geographic positioning of the entire analysis system

Monitoring is conducted using ground-based and aerospace methods.

Satellite environmental monitoring is the most accurate, cost-effective, and informative method. It involves thematic analysis of images obtained from instrument complexes operating in various frequency ranges installed on space satellites. Data from modern satellite constellations equipped with a broad spectral range and radiometers provide comprehensive geophysical information for environmental assessment and disaster prevention.

Over the past 20 years, a revolution in ecological research and monitoring has enabled widespread use of remote sensing methods in studying environmental processes. Satellite data, UAVs, and ground sensors used by ecologists for analysis have become more accessible and numerous than ever before. The general direction of these advancements is illustrated in the figure below.


What Tasks Does Remote Sensing Solve?

  • Mapping the environmental sector (environmental cartography) at the national or regional level—summarizing environmental information, georeferencing, and presenting it in the most convenient format for analysis and comparison. The object of environmental mapping includes natural-territorial complexes in their current state and anthropogenic factors affecting the environment.
  • Monitoring: measuring and assessing the environmental condition at a global scale, evaluating the impact of environmental management methods on ecological structures and processes, and identifying anthropogenic factors influencing environmental variability.
  • Supporting decision-making quality regarding environmental protection and green economic development through the prompt and accurate assessment of spatial-temporal patterns of ecological vulnerability.
  • Creating remote sensing data archives for retrospective analysis and calculating terrestrial ecosystem health indicators, including the use of the Remote Sensing-based Ecological Index (RSEI).
  • Detecting spatial and temporal aspects of biodiversity through structural, compositional, and functional measurements of ecosystems. Integrating remote sensing data with field ecology and evolution studies for a comprehensive understanding and conservation of Earth's biodiversity.
  • Creating a spatial hierarchy of ecosystems in a study region using remote sensing to understand ecosystem health patterns and processes, which, in turn, illustrate interactions within the biosphere.
  • Combining field assessments with remote sensing landscape models allows tracking land ecosystem health to support sustainable development goals.
  • Monitoring arid and semi-arid ecosystems (~45% of Earth's surface) to provide ecosystem services related to water supply, biodiversity conservation, flood protection, food security, and carbon storage and sequestration.

The key detailed remote sensing tasks identified by the global environmental community for the coming years:

  • Using remote sensing for forest management and biodiversity conservation.
  • Applying remote sensing for soil and water pollution assessment, as well as land degradation evaluation.
  • Determining meteorological characteristics of territories.
  • Detecting large fires and preventing forest fire outbreaks.
  • New trends and prospects in remote sensing for land use and land cover change (LULC).
  • Applying machine learning in marine ecology.
  • Remote sensing for monitoring and assessing urban socio-ecological systems.
  • Field monitoring for water resource and ecosystem management: from UAVs to satellite imagery.
  • Remote sensing of coastal ecosystems.
  • Remote sensing and surface processes for permafrost studies.
  • Landscape ecology in remote sensing.
  • Remote sensing in eco-physiological and agricultural applications.
  • Remote sensing and artificial intelligence methods for ensuring environmental quality (EEQ).
  • Remote sensing of air pollution.

Advantages of Using Remote Sensing:

  • Remote sensing datasets and analytical methods provide large-scale spatial and temporal approaches for measuring and monitoring ecosystems at various levels.
  • Achieving sustainable development goals (ESG) using remote sensing data through the assignment of biosphere health quality indicators.
  • The effectiveness of remote sensing in land degradation assessment has been proven using indicators such as vegetation cover, soil cover changes, land productivity, and carbon stocks above and below ground. Spatial indicators of land ecosystem health serve as essential tools for monitoring and decision-making in combating land degradation.
  • Linking environmental information across different scales presents a fundamental challenge in landscape ecological research and a practical issue in land resource management. Some ecological processes may only be visible at specific scales, and interactions between scales can occur. Remote sensing methods address this issue.
  • Determining spatial-temporal heterogeneity of environmental conditions in large urban agglomerations and potential connections with land use and land cover change (LUCC).
  • Independent analysis of changes in study areas over more than 20+ years using the extensive archive of accumulated remote sensing data.
Pollution Source: Oil Platform Leak
Air Pollution from Volcanic Eruption
Waste Discharge into Water

Application Examples


The environmental quality of a city is essential for residents. Knowledge of local environmental conditions helps officials make informed decisions regarding urban planning and management.

TASK: Assess the environmental condition of Anqing (China) from 1999 to 2019.

SOLUTION: Independent and objective environmental assessments rely on satellite environmental monitoring. Satellite imagery is available for any area of interest. The environmental condition of the city was evaluated using the Remote Sensing-based Ecological Index (RSEI). RSEI is a model for assessing environmental risks based on moisture, heat, greenery, and dryness indicators. Landsat imagery was used for index calculations. More details on RSEI application can be found here.


RESULT: Anqing’s environmental situation worsened from 1999 to 2009 but showed gradual improvement from 2009 to 2019. Areas with lower environmental quality were primarily in residential zones, while higher RSEI index areas were in mountainous regions, where the most significant improvements were noted.


Water bodies periodically or continuously experience "algal blooms"—the excessive growth of algae on the surface or in the water column. This process, known as eutrophication, results from excessive nutrient input, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.

Eutrophication is a pressing environmental issue for the Baltic Sea region countries. Algal blooms degrade oxygen levels, cause fish die-offs, and provoke adverse changes in water ecosystems.

Satellite monitoring technologies track changes in water color and turbidity by utilizing optical sensors that provide information in the visible and infrared spectrums.

TASK: Monitor algal bloom dynamics from 2004 to 2018.

SOLUTION: MODIS Terra satellite imagery was used for analysis. The FCA (Areal Fraction with Cyanobacteria Accumulations) index was applied for comparison.

The FCA index is calculated as the ratio of cyanobacterial accumulations detected in satellite images to cloud-free pixels over the algal bloom season (July-August).

RESULT: The Baltic Sea area affected by cyanobacterial blooms increased to 97%, with only the Bothnian Bay remaining unaffected. The most intense blooms occurred in 2005 and 2008. The most critical conditions were identified on 12% of the Baltic Sea. Below are maps illustrating cyanobacterial distribution.



A notable case study is the Kolka Glacier collapse on September 22, 2002, in the Karmadon Gorge (Russia). The Kolka Glacier is located in the Mount Kazbek massif. A joint analysis of satellite images and ground survey data suggests that the 2002 ice-rock avalanche was triggered by an excessive accumulation of water beneath and within the glacier, facilitated by four consecutive years of intense melting.

Preceding summer earthquakes, particularly on July 14, 2002 (up to magnitude 5, with an epicenter 70 km northwest), and on August 22, 2002, contributed to unusual increases in hanging glacier collapses and destructive processes within the glacier body.

Post-collapse observations revealed steam and gas emissions, along with fumarole formation (cracks or openings releasing hot gases) at high altitudes on the cold northern slopes. These signs indicate increased volcanic activity in Mount Kazbek. These manifestations are clearly visible in images taken from the International Space Station (ISS) and ASTER satellite data.

ASTER images were acquired a day after the event and were available the next day to INNOTER via FTP thanks to a partnership with the United States Geological Survey (USGS).


CONCLUSION: Remote sensing methods enable the timely identification of key characteristics of hazardous natural processes, such as avalanches, debris flows, glacier surges, and nivoglacial zone lake formations, as well as their temporal changes.

Glaciological monitoring using satellite imagery serves as a crucial data source for government agencies, providing updates on glacier surface changes and helping prevent similar disasters.

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Environmentalists often use remote sensing to study the environment and ecological processes. Remote sensing is a method of collecting information about objects on Earth using sensors on satellites, airplanes, or other platforms. It provides data on various aspects of the environment such as surface temperature, vegetation, air and water pollution, deforestation, changes in land use, and other parameters. One of the most common remote sensing tools is spectral analysis, which is based on the measurement of electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted by objects on Earth. Different materials and objects have unique spectral characteristics that can be used to identify and analyze them. Ecologists can use remotely sensed data for a number of purposes. For example, they can study changes in the distribution and condition of ecosystems to assess the impact of climate change or anthropogenic activity. Also, remote sensing can monitor and predict the spread of natural disasters such as forest fires, floods or droughts. Remote sensing data can be used to monitor and assess the quality of water resources, including lakes, rivers and oceans. Ecologists can analyze data on water temperature, suspended solids, phytoplankton and other parameters to assess the health of aquatic ecosystems and identify potential pollution problems. In addition, remote sensing can be used to assess changes in land use and vegetation. Using vegetation index data, ecologists can identify areas of deforestation, agricultural expansion or changes in vegetation cover due to climate change or natural disasters. This allows the impact of such changes on the biodiversity and ecological resilience of a region to be assessed. Remote sensing can also be a useful tool for monitoring and protecting species and their habitats. Ecologists can use data on the distribution and changes in animal and plant populations to identify trends and prioritize areas for protection and management. In general, remote sensing is a powerful tool for environmental research and monitoring. It provides information on the state of the environment over large areas and under various conditions. Analysis of remote sensing data helps ecologists to obtain a more complete and objective understanding of ecosystems and the processes occurring in them, which contributes to the development of effective management and conservation strategies.

Remote sensing offers a wide range of applications in ecology. Here are a few examples:

  1. Monitoring changes in vegetation and forest cover: Remote sensing data allows tracking changes in vegetation and forest distribution over time. This can be useful for assessing overall ecosystem health, detecting deforestation, identifying areas of vegetation regeneration, and evaluating the impact of climate change on plant cover.
  2. Assessing water quality: Remote sensing enables the monitoring of water parameters such as temperature, transparency, phytoplankton concentration, and pollutants. This helps ecologists evaluate water ecosystem quality, identify pollution areas, and take measures to protect water resources.
  3. Studying climate change and its impact on ecosystems: Remote sensing allows the analysis of climate variables such as air temperature, precipitation, and humidity across the planet. This helps researchers understand the effects of climate change on ecosystems and predict possible consequences.
  4. Monitoring and protecting species: Remote sensing data can be used to monitor populations of various species and their habitats. This enables researchers to determine trends in species distribution and population dynamics, identify vulnerable areas, and develop conservation strategies.
  5. Predicting and monitoring natural disasters: Remote sensing helps in predicting and monitoring natural disasters such as wildfires, floods, droughts, and landslides. This allows for timely measures to protect people and ecosystems and assess the environmental impact of such disasters.

These are just a few examples of remote sensing applications in ecology. With the continuous development of remote sensing technologies and the increasing availability of large datasets, ecologists can apply them in many other fields:

  1. Assessing the impact of human activities: Remote sensing can be used to study the effects of various human activities on the environment. For example, it can analyze land-use changes, detect unauthorized construction, monitor air and water pollution, and track infrastructure and industrial facility modifications.
  2. Studying and monitoring marine and coastal ecosystems: Remote sensing allows for the study and monitoring of marine and coastal ecosystems, such as coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seawater conditions. This helps identify biodiversity zones, track changes in marine ecosystems, and assess the impact of global climate change on oceanic resources.
  3. Forecasting and managing resources: Remote sensing can be used for forecasting and managing various natural resources. For example, it can analyze forest area and quality data to support sustainable forestry planning or assess vegetation data to identify the most suitable locations for agricultural land.
  4. Studying and monitoring ecosystems in remote and inaccessible areas: Remote sensing enables the study of ecosystems in remote and hard-to-reach areas where direct access is limited or hazardous. This is particularly useful for studying wildlife, Arctic regions, mountainous areas, and tropical rainforests.
  5. Evaluating the effectiveness of environmental programs and policies: Remote sensing provides objective data for assessing the effectiveness of environmental programs and policies. It can analyze environmental parameters before and after implementing specific measures to determine their impact and efficiency. For example, it can track land-use changes following ecosystem restoration programs or assess the effects of protected area conservation on biodiversity.

All these applications of remote sensing help ecologists obtain detailed information about the state of the environment at different scales—from local to global. They contribute to more accurate analysis, forecasting, and planning in nature conservation and sustainable resource use. Combining remote sensing data with other research methods allows ecologists to gain a comprehensive understanding of ecosystem functions and their interactions with human activities.

Ecology has a significant impact on the world, people, and animals:

  1. Sustainable resource use: Ecological research helps determine optimal ways to use natural resources while ensuring their renewability and minimizing negative environmental impacts. This includes assessing the effects of industrial and agricultural activities, developing effective energy-saving methods, and managing waste efficiently.

  2. Food security: Ecological studies allow for the analysis of agro-ecosystem conditions and their influence on food production. Research on pesticides, genetically modified organisms, soil treatment, and other factors helps develop sustainable agricultural methods that ensure food safety and quality.

  3. Pollution and health: Ecological research helps analyze the effects of environmental pollution on human and animal health. It enables scientists to identify and study various pollutants, their sources, and their distribution, as well as develop strategies to reduce risks and protect public health.

  4. Biodiversity: Ecological studies contribute to understanding the importance of biodiversity and its connection with ecosystems. They help identify threats to biodiversity, including species extinction, habitat loss, and climate change, and develop measures for conservation and biodiversity restoration.

  5. Environmental education and awareness: Ecology plays a crucial role in shaping environmental awareness and consciousness. Through education and information campaigns, ecological research helps improve understanding of the interconnection between humans and the environment, while also drawing attention to the need for sustainable resource use, nature conservation, and environmentally responsible decision-making.

  6. Environmental disasters and their consequences: Ecological research helps analyze the causes and effects of environmental disasters such as oil spills, water pollution, wildfires, and other catastrophes. This enables the development of prevention and response measures to minimize damage to ecosystems and society.

  7. Environmental policies and legislation: Ecological studies provide a scientific foundation for developing environmental policies and regulations. They help establish priorities for environmental protection, set air, water, and soil quality standards, and define waste collection and disposal requirements. This contributes to creating a sustainable and environmentally responsible resource management system.

Overall, ecology plays a crucial role in understanding and managing interactions between people, animals, and the environment. It helps minimize the negative impact of human activities on nature, ensures ecosystem sustainability, and promotes the well-being and health of all living beings.

The use of Earth Remote Sensing (ERS) plays a crucial role in monitoring arid ecosystems. ERS enables the collection of information about the Earth's surface using satellites and other aerospace platforms. In the case of droughts, ERS can be a valuable tool for determining the severity and extent of drought conditions, as well as monitoring changes in vegetation, water resources, and soil conditions.

Here are some ways ERS can be used to monitor arid ecosystems:

  1. Soil moisture measurement: Satellites equipped with radar and microwave sensors can measure soil moisture over vast areas. Changes in soil moisture levels can indicate the presence of drought conditions.

  2. Water resource measurement: ERS can be used to assess changes in water levels in bodies of water, including rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Comparing data over different time periods can reveal trends in water resource depletion due to drought.

  3. Vegetation monitoring: Analyzing changes in vegetation cover using multispectral imagery can help detect droughts. Drought can lead to a decline in green biomass, which will be visible in spectral data.

  4. Changes in biomass: Using ERS to assess changes in plant biomass can help identify arid areas where vegetation has become less dense.

  5. Temperature data analysis: ERS can also assist in monitoring temperature changes on the Earth's surface. Arid areas tend to heat up faster due to a lack of water, which can be detected through thermal imaging.

  6. Assessment of extreme drought areas: By analyzing satellite imagery, it is possible to evaluate areas where drought has the most severe impact. This helps focus drought mitigation efforts on the most critical regions.

  7. Drought forecasting: Analyzing time-series ERS data can aid in developing drought prediction models and assessing their intensity based on historical records.

For more precise and effective monitoring of arid ecosystems, it is recommended to combine ERS data with local observations and climate information.

Monitoring of semi-arid ecosystems can also be carried out using Earth Remote Sensing (ERS). These ecosystems are situated between more humid and arid regions and are often subject to changes in water resource availability and climatic factors. Here is how ERS can be used to monitor semi-arid ecosystems:

  1. Water resource analysis: Monitoring water levels in rivers, lakes, and other water bodies using ERS can help identify changes in water availability. Variations in water levels can indicate shifts in climate and water balance.

  2. Soil moisture measurement: Changes in soil moisture can affect vegetation health and the overall ecosystem. Satellite data measuring soil moisture can help identify areas experiencing water balance deterioration.

  3. Vegetation monitoring: Changes in vegetation related to water availability and climatic factors can be detected through multispectral data analysis. Satellite images from different time periods can reveal trends in vegetation development.

  4. Study of climatic parameters: ERS can provide data on temperature, atmospheric conditions, and precipitation, helping to understand which climatic factors influence semi-arid ecosystems.

  5. Identification of threats and vulnerabilities: ERS can help detect areas at risk of potential threats such as wildfires, desertification, and soil degradation. This enables the development of resource management strategies.

  6. Forecasting ecosystem degradation: Analyzing ERS data in combination with climate data and vegetation changes can help predict future changes in semi-arid ecosystems and take measures for sustainable management.

  7. Data integration: Effective monitoring of semi-arid ecosystems requires a comprehensive approach that integrates ERS data, meteorological data, geographic information, and local observations.

The use of ERS in monitoring semi-arid ecosystems enables the timely detection of changes and responses to them, contributing to the sustainable development of these vulnerable regions.

The Remote Sensing Ecological Index (RSEI) is a numerical metric derived from data obtained through Earth Remote Sensing (ERS). This index is used to assess the ecological state or specific aspects of an ecosystem, such as vegetation, water resources, soil, and other environmental factors.

Depending on the goals of monitoring and analysis, there are numerous ecological indices developed to measure various aspects of the environment. Below are some examples of ecological indices that can be derived from remote sensing data:

  1. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): This index measures green biomass and the overall health of vegetation in a given area. NDVI is calculated based on the difference between reflected light in the near-infrared and visible spectral ranges. It is widely used for monitoring vegetation health, assessing wildfire-affected areas, identifying drought conditions, and detecting soil degradation.

  2. Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI): This index is used for monitoring water resources. It measures the water content in plants and soil, helping to assess moisture levels and water availability.

  3. Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI): SAVI accounts for background illumination and enables more accurate assessment of vegetation and soil conditions on land.

  4. Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI): This index is designed for a more precise evaluation of vegetation, considering atmospheric conditions and aerosol effects.

  5. Land Surface Temperature (LST): Measuring land surface temperature using ERS can provide insights into climatic conditions and thermal changes, which are crucial for assessing the impact of climate change on ecosystems.

These indices and metrics can be applied to analyze various aspects of ecological systems, allowing for more effective monitoring, measurement, and comparison of environmental changes across large areas using ERS data.

Environmental mapping is the process of creating maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) aimed at studying and visualizing environmental parameters and processes. It plays a crucial role in understanding the interactions between nature and humanity, as well as in developing strategies for sustainable development.

Here are some key aspects of environmental mapping:

  1. Studying biodiversity: Creating maps that reflect the distribution of various species of plants, animals, and microorganisms helps scientists and decision-makers more effectively manage natural resources and prevent biodiversity loss.

  2. Monitoring pollution: Maps can visualize the distribution of air, water, and soil pollution. This allows for tracking and assessing the extent of environmental impact on specific areas and taking measures to improve environmental quality.

  3. Managing natural resources: Environmental maps help plan and manage the use of natural resources such as forests, water bodies, and soils. They assist in making informed decisions to balance human needs and nature conservation.

  4. Studying climate change: Mapping can be used to track climate changes and their impact on ecosystems and human activities. This is essential for developing strategies to adapt to climate change.

  5. Assessing natural disaster risks: Creating maps of natural disaster risks, such as earthquakes, floods, and wildfires, helps identify vulnerable areas and develop measures to mitigate the consequences of such events.

Environmental mapping involves the use of modern technologies such as satellite imaging, remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems, and geoinformation technologies to create accurate and informative maps that support scientific and practical research in environmental protection.

Environmental assessment is the process of analyzing and measuring the state of the environment, including air, water, soil, fauna, and flora, to determine the level of pollution and the sustainability of ecosystems. This assessment can be conducted at various levels, from individual sites to vast territories, and covers different aspects of the environment.

The main stages of environmental assessment include:

  1. Data collection: Data on air, water, soil quality, biodiversity, climate, and other environmental parameters are gathered. This may include the use of monitoring stations, remote sensing, biota surveys, and other data collection methods.
  2. Data analysis: Collected data is analyzed to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. This may involve assessing pollution levels, climate changes, biodiversity levels, and other environmental parameters.
  3. Risk assessment: An evaluation is conducted to determine the risks to human health and ecosystems due to environmental changes. This may include assessing the impact of pollutants on humans as well as investigating potential consequences for fauna and flora.
  4. Development of improvement strategies: Based on the analysis results, strategies and recommendations for improving the environment are formulated. This may include proposals for reducing emissions, restoring ecosystems, implementing sustainable practices, and other measures.
  5. Monitoring and updates: Environmental assessment is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and data updates. This allows for tracking the effectiveness of implemented measures and making adjustments to environmental management strategies.

Environmental assessment plays a crucial role in sustainable development, enabling informed decision-making to preserve nature, improve quality of life, and prevent negative impacts on human health and natural ecosystems.

Monitoring arid ecosystems is crucial for understanding environmental changes, effectively managing resources, and developing adaptation strategies to climate change. Drought has a significant impact on soil, vegetation, water resources, and wildlife, and its monitoring helps identify threats and develop strategies for the sustainable use of natural resources. Here are some key aspects of arid ecosystem monitoring:

1. Precipitation measurement: One of the important monitoring parameters is the amount of rainfall. This helps assess how arid the conditions are and what changes are occurring in the climate.

2. Water level monitoring: Tracking water levels in rivers, lakes, and groundwater is essential for determining the water balance and identifying drought periods.

3. Soil condition analysis: Studying soil properties, its moisture content, and structure helps determine the degree of drought and predict potential consequences for vegetation and agriculture.

4. Vegetation monitoring: Utilizing modern technologies such as satellite imaging and remote sensing to track changes in vegetation. This includes assessing plant health, vegetation density, and soil cover changes.

5. Impact on biodiversity: Monitoring the effects of drought on local plant and animal species. This involves assessing threats to biodiversity and implementing conservation measures.

6. Impact assessment on agriculture: Studying the effects of drought on agriculture, including crop yields, soil quality, and plant diseases.

7. Development of adaptation strategies: Based on monitoring data, adaptation strategies to drought are developed, including improving water management systems, implementing efficient irrigation methods, and other measures.

Monitoring arid ecosystems is a key component of risk management and maintaining resilience in a changing climate.

An environmental index is a quantitative measure used to assess the state of the environment, the level of pollution, ecosystem sustainability, or quality of life. These indices combine various parameters into a single numerical value to facilitate comparison and analysis.

Depending on the specific objectives and context of the assessment, different environmental indices may be used. Here are several examples of environmental indices:

  1. Air Quality Index (AQI): Evaluates air pollution levels based on several parameters such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide concentrations, fine particles, and other harmful substances.
  2. Water Quality Index (WQI): Assesses water pollution levels based on parameters such as chemical composition, bacterial content, dissolved oxygen levels, and other factors.
  3. Biodiversity Index: Measures species diversity in a specific region, taking into account factors such as species count, distribution, and population health.
  4. Sustainable Development Index: Evaluates how well a specific area or society implements sustainable development principles, considering social, economic, and environmental factors.
  5. Soil Pollution Index: Assesses soil contamination levels by measuring toxic substances, heavy metals, and other pollutants.
  6. Urban Environmental Quality Index: Measures the quality of the urban environment, considering factors such as air quality, noise levels, green spaces, and access to eco-friendly services.

Environmental indices provide simple and understandable metrics that can be used for decision-making in environmental protection and sustainable development. They also serve as tools for monitoring changes over time and evaluating the effectiveness of environmental programs and initiatives.

The Remote Sensing Environmental Index uses data obtained via satellites or other remote sensing methods to assess environmental conditions. These indices provide quantitative metrics that reflect various environmental aspects, such as water quality, vegetation health, air pollution, and more.

Here are some examples of environmental indices based on remote sensing:

  1. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): Measures the activity of photosynthesizing vegetation. Higher NDVI values indicate healthier and denser vegetation.
  2. Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI): Similar to NDVI but accounts for atmospheric effects, making it more accurate in assessing vegetation health.
  3. Water Quality Index (WQI) based on water color data: Remote sensing can be used to assess water color, which may indicate water quality. Indices such as the Water Quality Index can incorporate these data.
  4. Urban Heat Island Index: Measures the temperature difference between urban and suburban areas based on thermal radiation data obtained through infrared remote sensing.
  5. Air Quality Index (AQI) using pollutant concentration data: Remote sensing can provide data on the concentration of various pollutants in the atmosphere, which can then be used to calculate air quality indices.
  6. Land Cover Index: Uses land use data obtained via remote sensing to assess changes in land cover and their impact on ecosystems.

These indices enable the monitoring of environmental parameters over large areas in real time, making them valuable tools for environmental management and assessment.


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