Digital Topographic Map (DTM) is a digital model of the terrain recorded on a machine-readable medium in an established structure and codes, in the projection, grid, coordinate system, and heights adopted for the map, with accuracy and content corresponding to a specific topographic map scale.

DTMs are created in scales of 1:10000, 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000, 1:200000, 1:500000, 1:1 000 000, and formed as arrays of digital cartographic information (multiple objects of DTM) covering areas of territory, limited by the frames of sheets of corresponding topographic maps of the same scale.

What is it used for:

Digital Topographic Maps of scales 1:10,000 and 1:25,000:

  • Detailed examination of the terrain;
  • Precision measurements and calculations for engineering constructions;
  • Crossing water barriers and other purposes.

DTMs of scales 1:50,000, 1:100,000, and 1:200,000:

  • Studying and assessing the terrain;
  • Measurements and calculations for the design and construction of military engineering structures and facilities;
  • Preparation, management, and determination of coordinates for starting positions in military units.

Digital Topographic Maps of scales 1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000:

  • Studying and assessing the general characteristics of the terrain for operational planning;
  • Used in aviation as aeronautical charts.

Purposes and objectives of creating Digital Topographic Maps (DTM)

The main purposes of creating digital topographic maps are:

  • Graphic representation of spatial relationships and distributions;
  • Improving the ability to analyze, process, and display geoinformation data;
  • Automation of mapping and cartographic analysis in management systems;
  • Obtaining expert decisions in graphic form in real-time and separate time modes.

The main objective of creating (updating) a digital topographic map is to produce cartographic products that closely correspond to the actual state of the terrain, created in accordance with current regulatory and technical documents and the Technical Task.

Digital topographic maps are used in:

  • In agriculture - for land use planning and land accounting in areas of intensive agriculture, as a basis for detailed soil surveys and erosion control measures, etc.
  • In land reclamation - for preparing projects of land reclamation and conducting surveys for irrigation and drainage of lands;
  • In geological exploration - for detailed prospecting and exploration works, for ties during geological and geophysical surveys;
  • In the development of oil and gas fields - for preparing plans of the developed area, projects for the arrangement and location of wells, tying various engineering objects, etc.;
  • In hydraulic engineering - for selecting the site of a hydro unit and developing projects for reservoirs in flat areas, for surveys of canals and designing protective structures.
The basis for creating/updating maps also includes requirements for surveying works in the development of mineral deposits, construction of mining enterprises, and use of subsoil for other purposes. The creation and updating of digital cartographic bases of various scales are required to bring their content in line with the current state of the terrain. Topographic maps at a scale of 1:25,000 are actively used starting from the stage of designing the field. These maps allow designing roads and major structures. Existing objects, elements of hydrography, and vegetation that may hinder work can be accurately determined. Maps at a scale of 1:25,000 are also used to tie various engineering objects, to form the route of a pipeline, and to determine the placement of a well network in the area of interest. The maps at a scale of 1:25,000 show objects such as industrial enterprises, mines, quarries, drilling rigs, oil and gas wells and fields, oil and gas pipelines, fuel depots, etc. However, maps at a scale of 1:25,000 are not sufficient for designing and constructing infrastructure facilities at deposits. For the design and construction of infrastructure facilities at deposits, topographic maps at a scale of 1:10,000 are used. The accuracy of these maps allows for precise tying of structures on the ground and distribution of all roads, both motor and pedestrian. During the development, arrangement, and operation of oil and gas fields, continuous construction, reconstruction, and dismantling of production facilities and engineering communications are carried out. Therefore, there is a need to update topographic maps (plans) reflecting existing and planned facilities. DTMs of scales 1:50,000, 1:100,000, and 1:200,000 are intended for studying and evaluating the terrain, for measurements and calculations during the design and construction of military engineering structures and facilities, and for preparation, management, and determination of coordinates for starting positions in military units. DTMs of scales 1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000 are intended for studying and evaluating the general nature of the terrain for operational planning and are also used in aviation as aeronautical charts.

Advantages of using Remote Sensing Data (RSD)

  • Archival data is already available to the operator;
  • Ordering new data does not require any approvals from competent authorities;
  • Satellite imagery does not require on-site visits, unlike aerial imagery and UAV-based imaging.

Prices for services

Consultation Free of charge
Search for images, preliminary analysis of the availability of source data, additional and reference materials Free of charge
Ordering images
  • From $0.5 to $70 USD per 1 km2;
  • Depends on the type of imaging (archive vs. new, mono vs. stereo, resolution)*
Cost of creating a DTM (Digital Topographic Map)
  • From $0.1 USD per 1 km2;
  • Calculated individually;
  • Depends on the amount of processed remote sensing data, the presence (or absence) of control points, and the used mapping software.
Cost of creating (updating) 1 sheet of a digital topographic map
  • Creation - from 40,000 rubles (depends on scale, complexity, execution time, and the number of sheets);
  • Updating - not more than 50% of the creation cost (depends on the level of map obsolescence).
Execution time From 20 working days (depends on the volume, complexity, availability of remote sensing materials, additional and reference materials).

The cost of execution is calculated on an individual basis, taking into account a specific of task.

After receiving the task description, we calculate the cost and send you a commercial offer.

Period of execution

The completion period for the work is at least 20 (twenty) working days.

The actual duration of the work depends on several factors, including:

  • The area of interest or the extent of the region being mapped.
  • The scale and type of the digital topographic map being created.
  • The availability of existing archive materials from remote sensing data.
  • The availability of additional and reference materials required for the project.

These factors can affect the complexity and scope of the project, which in turn impacts the time required for completion. The mentioned 20 working days serve as a minimum timeframe, and the actual duration may vary based on the specific requirements and resources available for the project. It is essential to consider all these factors during the planning and execution of the mapping work to ensure timely and accurate results.

How to place an order:

  1. STEP #1: Submit an application on the website with the following details:
    • Area of mapping (coordinates, name of the region, district, shapefile, etc.);
    • Requirements for the digital topographic map (scale, creation or update);
    • Requirements for remote sensing data (DSM), availability of source cartographic materials, additional and reference data;
    • Timeframe for the completion of the work.
  2. STEP #2: Agreement on technical specifications and cost:
    • Agreeing on the requirements for the source remote sensing data;
    • Agreeing on the work process and specifications for the produced product.
  3. STEP #3: Contract signing and commencing the work

The work for creating the digital topographic map for interpretation and vectorization will start within 5 working days from the date of receiving a 100% advance payment for the remote sensing data.

Payment is accepted only through non-cash transactions.

The interpretation and vectorization of objects will commence within 3 days after the start of creating the digital topographic map.

Need for consultation?

Fill the form and we will contact you

By clicking the «Send» button, you give your consent to the processing of your personal data, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 «On Personal Data», on the conditions and for the purposes specified in the Consent to the processing of personal data.

Stages of service provision

Stage #0 (PRE-contract):

  • Defining the purpose of creating the digital topographic map;
  • Familiarization with the area of interest;
  • Agreement on the accuracy characteristics of the product;
  • Preliminary selection and assessment of archive remote sensing data (DSM) to meet the requirements;
  • Planning new aerial survey if necessary;
  • Determining the availability of cartographic products from the Client, in the federal spatial data fund, for updating or creating a new project.

RESULT: possibility (YES/NO) of providing the service

Stage #1 (PRE-contract):

  • Agreeing with the client on the DSM data available in the operator's archives or ordering a new survey;
  • Determining the work process and agreeing with the client on the methodology and timeframe;
  • Agreeing with the client on the projection, coordinate system, and heights of the created (updated) project;
  • Agreeing with the client on the volume of additional data to be included in the created project;
  • Agreeing with the client on the Technical Task for the entire scope of work;
  • Determining labor costs, costs for DSM materials, additional and reference data, and agreeing on delivery schedules and total cost of the work.

RESULT: concluded contract

Stage #2 (Contract Execution):

  1. Receiving advance payment (100% prepayment for the purchase of DSM materials);
  2. Ordering DSM materials (performing a new survey), ordering available data from available funds, gathering and analyzing additional and reference materials;
  3. Preparation, agreement, and approval of editorial and technical instructions for the creation (updating) of the digital topographic map with the Client;
  4. Creating a plan-altitude justification for the aerial survey;
  5. Input control of DSM materials;
  6. Creating digital orthophotoplans required for creating (updating) the digital topographic map;
  7. Interpreting orthophotoplans (thematic processing of DSM), vectorizing terrain features to create the digital topographic map;
  8. Performing visual and automated quality control of the produced product;
  9. Exporting the created (updated) project to required formats, projection, and coordinate system;
  10. Writing technical report.

The result of the provision of services

  • Cartographic products (digital topographic maps) in formats, projection, coordinate system, and heights specified in the Technical Task;
  • Remote sensing data (DSM) in the form of digital orthophotoplans and original images;
  • Set of additional and reference materials used in the work;
  • Editorial and technical instructions;
  • Technical report on the completed work.

Transmission methods:

  • Electronic media;
  • FTP server;
  • Hardcopy (for text materials).

The work is also carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation on ensuring the confidentiality regime in the Russian Federation.

When ordering a digital cartographic basis for a production area in multiple scales, the largest scale is used to create smaller scales.

The digital cartographic basis is provided to the Client in electronic form in the specified format according to the Client's classifier and Classification Principles.

When creating and updating the digital cartographic basis of any scale, the object composition is unloaded to a state for public use.

Example of a topographic map at a scale of 1:10000

Figure: Example of a topographic map at a scale of 1:10000

Requirements for Source Data

In order to perform preliminary work qualitatively, the following must be provided:

  • Coordinates of the mapping area (in any convenient form);
  • Scale and type of the created (updated) digital topographic map, format of presentation, in which breakdown to provide data (by nomenclature sheets or within the mapping area), projection, coordinate system, and heights;
  • Availability of source map materials, additional, and reference data;
  • Lists of coordinate control points for photogrammetric processing of DSM materials;
  • Requirements for the object composition, semantic information of the created (updated) digital topographic map;
  • Necessity of developing and agreeing on Editorial and Technical Instructions for the creation (updating) of the product.

Requirement Name

Requirement Values for Scales







Allowed resolution on the terrain Lм, (spatial resolution of images) m






If it is not possible to provide the specified information, it is necessary to provide information about the purpose of using digital topographic maps and the types of work planned to be carried out using them. Experts from "GEO INNOTER" will analyze the information and prepare the optimal proposal for creating (updating) digital topographic maps.

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Zazulyak Evgeny Leonidovich
The material was checked by an expert
Zazulyak Evgeny Leonidovich
Engineer, 28 years of experience, Education - Moscow Topographic Polytechnic Technical School, St. Petersburg Higher Military Topographic Command School named after Army General A.I. Antonov, Military Engineering University named after V.V. Kuibyshev. Kuibyshev Military Engineering University.



  • area of interest (location / coordinates of the object in any convenient form, and area of the object);
  • the specific problem to be solved using the digital topographic map
As the main material for creation (update) of the data project, RS materials available in archives of spacecraft operators for the most current date are used, or new space imagery or aerial imagery is ordered. Besides, when creating (updating) the data project additional and reference materials are used in the form of various geographical descriptions, maps and atlases of large (small) scale, reference books, as well as data available with the Customer. In case of updating the data project, cartographic products available in the CGCIAP collections or cartographic products provided by the Customer may be used.
  • Recognition on the terrain and determination of coordinates and heights of planimetric and height control points using GNSS receivers.
  • Creation of a digital elevation model of the earth's surface.
  • Creation of digital orthophotoplans at a scale of 1:5000.
  • Field decoding based on digital orthophotoplans.
  • Creation of a digital cartographic basis at a scale of 1:5000 with contour lines at intervals of 1 meter.
The work is also carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation on ensuring the confidentiality regime in the Russian Federation.
  • Performing digital aerial imagery and airborne laser scanning.
  • Creation of a geodetic network of GNSS base stations and reference marks using satellite geodetic dual-frequency equipment.
  • Creation of a digital elevation model based on laser reflection cloud data.
  • Creation of digital orthophotoplans with a resolution of up to 0.10 meters.
  • Field decoding of infrastructure objects across the entire area of aerial imagery.
  • Creation of a digital cartographic basis at a scale of 1:5000 with contour lines at intervals of 1.0 meter.
The work is also carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation on ensuring the confidentiality regime in the Russian Federation.
The work is carried out based on satellite imagery with a ground resolution of not less than 1 meter. The photogrammetric and cartographic tasks include:
  • Creating a planimetric and altimetric justification for the satellite imagery.
  • Building a digital elevation model.
  • Performing exterior orientation and orthotransformation of the satellite images.
  • Digitally creating maps at a scale of 1:25000 based on orthophotoplans.
The regulations for drawing up design documents for the development of oil and gas and oil fields, as well as for engineering and geodetic surveys at all stages of field development provide for the creation and updating of topographic and engineering topographic maps and, in particular, topographic maps (plans) with mapped existing and projected facilities at a scale of 1:10000 - 1:25000.
The project includes the use of the following materials:
  1. Materials from the state cartographic and geodetic fund of the Russian Federation.
  2. Data from executive and control geodetic surveys of engineering communications and structures.
  3. Materials from the design of site development objects.
  4. Materials from satellite imagery captured using optical-electronic equipment with visible and infrared spectra of ultra-high resolution (0.3–1.0 meters).
Digital Topographic Maps are electronic representations of geographical features, capturing elevation, landforms, and other natural or man-made details. Unlike traditional paper maps, digital versions can be viewed on electronic devices, allowing for dynamic updates, zooming, and interactive features.
Elevation in Digital Topographic Maps is often depicted using contour lines, which connect points of equal elevation. This information is crucial for applications such as geographic analysis, land planning, and infrastructure development, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the terrain.
GIS technology is instrumental in creating and utilizing Digital Topographic Maps. It enables the integration of various spatial data layers, facilitates analysis, and allows for the dynamic creation of maps. GIS enhances the functionality of Digital Topographic Maps for applications like urban planning, environmental monitoring, and natural resource management.
Digital Topographic Maps are vital in disaster preparedness and response by providing accurate and up-to-date information about the affected areas. Emergency responders use these maps to plan evacuation routes, identify high-risk zones, and coordinate relief efforts, aiding in efficient and effective disaster management.
Users can interact with Digital Topographic Maps through various means, including zooming, panning, and toggling layers. Additionally, the integration of GPS technology allows users to determine their precise location on the map in real-time. These interactive features enhance user engagement and provide personalized, on-demand access to geographic information.


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