Navigation map is a digital (vector) thematic map with address information containing a graph of roads and service objects that complement the description of roads with reference information (address layer).

Road network graph is a unified geoinformation dataset describing the transportation infrastructure and its main parameters. The road network graph is applied to all roads (highways, improved highways, roads, improved roads, unpaved country roads, field and passages (streets) within settlements) connecting all adjacent roads with each other along the optimal route.

  • 1:10,000 for urban areas;
  • 1:25,000 for industrially developed regions;
  • 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 for the entire territory.

Goals and Objectives of navigation mapping

The main objectives of navigation mapping are as follows:

  • To obtain cartographic products that closely match the actual state of the terrain;
  • To supplement the maps with various thematic information created in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents and the Technical Specification.

Advantages of Using Remote Sensing Data (RSD)

Remote sensing materials of very high and high resolution can be obtained more quickly, as they may already be available in the operator's archives, and new imaging does not require any approvals from competent authorities.

Remote sensing does not require on-site visits, unlike aerial imagery and UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) imaging.

Aerial imagery allows obtaining images with high spatial resolution (up to 1 cm/pixel) and provides a higher level of detail in the resulting orthophotoplans and models, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of coordinates determination less than 10 cm, and can be performed below the continuous cloud cover.

Prices for services

Consultation Free
Search for imagery, preliminary analysis of the availability of source materials, additional and reference materials Free
Image ordering From $0.5 to $70 per square kilometer, depending on the imagery type (archive-new, mono-stereo, resolution)*
Cost of creating orthophotoplan (ЦОФП) From $1 per square kilometer, calculated individually for each specific order, depending on the amount of processed remote sensing materials, presence/absence of ground control points, and used transformation method (ЦМР).
Cost of creating (updating) 1 sheet of digital navigation map (ЦНК) The cost of creating 1 nomenclature sheet of ЦНК starts from 40,000 rubles and depends on the map scale, complexity category, execution period, and number of nomenclature sheets. The cost of updating depends on the level of map obsolescence but does not exceed 50% of the creation cost.
Execution period From 20 working days (depending on the volume, complexity category, availability of remote sensing materials, additional and reference materials)

The total cost of creating one nomenclature sheet of ЦНК (starting from 40,000 rubles) includes the cost of remote sensing materials used for creating the orthophotoplan, the cost of the work for its creation, map scale, complexity category, and creation period. The cost of updating depends on the level of obsolescence of the updated map but does not exceed 50% of the creation cost.

The cost of execution is calculated on an individual basis, taking into account a specific of task.

After receiving the task description, we calculate the cost and send you a commercial offer.

Period of execution

Coordination of issues, analysis of RS data availability, source maps, additional and reference materials: from 1 to 5 days*
Contract conclusion: from 1 to 5 days **
Receipt of images: from 3 to 10 days **
Request, receipt of source map material in the collections (if necessary): from 1 to 20 days*
Creation of COFP: from 5 days*
Interpretation and vectorization: from 15 days*
Collation of adjacent sheets, fulfillment of controls: from 5 to 10 days*
Report writing: from 5 to 10 days
TOTAL TIME: from 20 days*

* working days
** from the date of receipt of 100% advance payment for RS materials

The terms of cartographic works execution depend on the number of nomenclature sheets, scale and type of products to be created, availability of RS archive materials, additional and reference materials.

How to place an order:

  1. Step 1: Submit a request on the website, specifying:
    • Mapping area (coordinates, district name, region, shp-file, etc.);
    • Requirements for the digital navigation map (scale, creation-update);
    • Requirements for remote sensing materials, availability of source map materials, additional and reference materials;
    • Execution period.
  2. Step 2: Agreement on technical specifications and cost:
    • Purchase of remote sensing materials, images are paid separately (from $8 to $70 per square kilometer, depending on the imagery type - archive-new, mono-stereo, resolution);
    • Agreement on the execution technology and requirements for the produced output.
  3. Step 3: Contract signing and commencement of work

The starting date for creating the orthophotoplan (ОФП) for decoding and vectorization is 5 working days from the date of receiving 100% advance payment for the remote sensing materials. The payment is made only by bank transfer. The beginning of decoding and vectorization of objects is 3 days after the start of creating the ОФП.

Need for consultation?

Fill the form and we will contact you

By clicking the «Send» button, you give your consent to the processing of your personal data, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 «On Personal Data», on the conditions and for the purposes specified in the Consent to the processing of personal data.

Stages of service provision

Stage № 0 (Before Contract Conclusion):

  • Define the purpose of creating a digital navigation map with address information;
  • Familiarize with the area of interest;
  • Agree on the accuracy characteristics of the product;
  • Preliminary selection and assessment of archive remote sensing materials to meet the requirements;
  • Plan for new imagery if necessary;
  • Determine the availability of cartographic products from the Customer, in the federal spatial data fund, for updating or creating a new project.

RESULT: possibility (YES/NO) of providing the service

Stage № 1 (Before Contract Conclusion):

  • Agree with the Customer on the available remote sensing materials in the operator's archives or request new imagery;
  • Determine the technology and agree with the Customer on the methods and deadlines for execution;
  • Agree with the Customer on the projection, coordinate system, and height of the created (updated) project;
  • Agree with the Customer on the volume of additional data to be included in the created project;
  • Agree with the Customer on the Technical Specifications for the entire scope;
  • Determine the workload, costs for remote sensing materials, additional and reference data, and agree on delivery dates and total cost.

RESULT: concluded contract

Stage № 2 (Contract Execution):

  1. Receive advance payment (100% prepayment for the purchase of remote sensing materials).
  2. Order remote sensing materials (perform new imagery), request data from existing datasets, collect and analyze additional and reference materials.
  3. Prepare, agree with the Customer, and approve Editorial-Technical Instructions (ETI) for creating (updating) a digital navigation map with address information.
  4. Quality control of remote sensing materials.
  5. Create digital orthophotoplans necessary for creating (updating) the digital navigation map with address information.
  6. Decoding orthophotoplans (thematic processing of remote sensing data), vectorization of terrain objects for creating a digital navigation map with address information.
  7. Perform visual and automated control of the produced output.
  8. Export the created (updated) project into the required formats, projection, and coordinate system.
  9. Prepare a technical report.

The result of the provision of services

Geospatial products (Digital Navigation Maps) in the formats, projection, coordinate system, and height, according to the Technical Specifications, remote sensing materials in the form of digital orthophotoplans and source images, a set of additional and reference materials used in the work, editorial-technical instructions, and a technical report on the completed task. All results are delivered on electronic media or through the Internet via FTP servers, and text materials are also duplicated in printed form.

Requirements for Source Data

To perform preliminary work effectively, the following data should be provided:

  • Coordinates of the mapping area (in any convenient format);
  • Scale and type of the digital navigation map with address information to be created (updated), format of data presentation (by nomenclature sheets or within the mapping area), projection, coordinate system, and height;
  • Availability of source cartographic materials, additional and reference data;
  • Lists of coordinates of control points for photogrammetric processing of remote sensing materials;
  • Requirements for the object composition, thematic information of the created (updated) digital navigation map with address information;
  • The need for the development and approval of Editorial-Technical Instructions for creating (updating) the products.

If it is not possible to provide the specified information, it is necessary to provide the purposes for which the digital navigation maps are needed and the type of work that will be performed using them. The specialists of "GEO INNOTER" will then analyze and prepare an optimal proposal for creating (updating) digital navigation maps with address information.

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Zazulyak Evgeny Leonidovich
The material was checked by an expert
Zazulyak Evgeny Leonidovich
Engineer, 28 years of experience, Education - Moscow Topographic Polytechnic Technical School, St. Petersburg Higher Military Topographic Command School named after Army General A.I. Antonov, Military Engineering University named after V.V. Kuibyshev. Kuibyshev Military Engineering University.



  • area of interest (location / coordinates of the object in any convenient form, and area of the object);
  • the specific problem to be solved using the digital topographic map

As the main material for navigation mapping, RS data available in archives of spacecraft operators for the most current date are used, or new imagery is ordered. Besides, when creating (updating) a digital navigation map additional and reference materials are used in the form of various geographical descriptions, maps and atlases of large (small) scale, reference books, as well as data available with the Customer. Digital navigation maps available in the collections or digital navigation maps provided by the Customer can be used as an updated digital navigation map.
  • The terms of creating a digital topographic map based on space or aerial survey depend on the volume and complexity of the order. Minimum term - from 5 (five) working days;
  • Delivery time of finished digital topographic maps from 5 (five) working days.
100% prepayment for materials by invoice after signing the contract.
Navigation maps are maps designed for use in navigation on roads and other places. They contain information about roads, streets, bridges, tunnels, intersections, junctions, public transportation stops, airports, and other locations that may be useful when driving or walking. Navigation maps may also contain information about geographic features such as lakes, rivers, mountains, parks, etc. They may also contain information about landmarks, stores, restaurants and other places that may be useful to the user. Nowadays, navigation maps are available in different formats and can be used in different devices such as navigation systems in cars, smartphones, tablets and computers. They are also widely used in applications for cab ordering, food delivery, route finding and other such services.
Navigational nautical charts are the main tool for navigating ships in the maritime environment. They contain information about geographical features and navigational hazards that may be encountered during navigation, as well as other information necessary for the safe navigation of a ship. Nautical charts are divided into several types depending on the area of their use. For example, there are international charts, which are used for navigating the high seas and straits of the sea, and regional charts, which are designed for use in a specific region or coastline. Charts can also be categorized by scale, from large-scale charts that show fine detail to small-scale charts that show large areas but in less detail. Navigational nautical charts are created using modern technology and geodata. Cartographers collect data using a variety of sources such as satellites, hydrographic surveys, laser scans and other methods. It is then processed and used to create digital terrain models, which in turn are used to create navigational nautical charts. Various devices and technologies are used to navigate vessels in the maritime environment. A ship navigator is a device that is used to determine a vessel's position, plot a course and ensure safe navigation. It can be used in conjunction with navigation charts, which allows to find the optimal path and determine the ship's position at any time. Special programs and systems are used to create electronic navigation charts, which allow them to be processed and displayed on the screen. This provides convenience and accuracy in using the charts and reduces the time required to plot a course. Navigational nautical charts can also be used for navigation training and licensing to obtain permission to operate a marine vessel. In navigation training courses, students learn the principles of using navigational charts and the different instruments and devices used for navigation at sea. One important aspect of navigating at sea is to take into account the topography of the seabed and sea surface. Some navigation charts contain material about the bottom topography that help navigators avoid hazardous areas such as underwater rocks or coral reefs. In addition, nautical charts may also contain information about tides, currents, buoys, and other navigational markers that help boaters navigate their vessel at sea. Overall, navigational nautical charts are an integral part of safety at sea. They help boaters establish safe routes, avoid hazardous areas and manage their vessel at sea. Modern technology and methods of creating navigational charts make them more accurate and reliable, which in turn improves maritime safety and reduces the risks associated with navigation.

Navigation mapping are used in various situations related to sailing and navigation at sea. Some of the most common use cases for navigational charts include:

  1. Route planning: Mariners use navigational charts to plot safe routes while sailing. The charts help them avoid hazardous areas such as underwater rocks, reefs, or shallows, ensuring safe navigation.

  2. Location determination: Navigational charts are used to determine a vessel's position at sea. Navigators use instruments and devices like GPS or sonar to locate their position on the chart accurately.

  3. Safety assurance: Navigational charts assist mariners in ensuring the safety of their voyages by helping them avoid hazardous routes and areas at sea.

  4. Navigating in challenging conditions: Navigational charts are used to navigate in challenging conditions such as fog, nighttime, or poor visibility.

  5. Preparation for voyages: Navigational charts are used to prepare for voyages, allowing mariners to study routes and conditions in advance.

  6. Scientific and research purposes: Navigational charts are used for scientific and research purposes, such as studying tides, currents, and changes in seabed topography.

In general, navigational charts are crucial tools for mariners and navigators, ensuring safety at sea and assisting them in managing their vessels in challenging conditions.

There are several types of digital navigational charts used in modern sea navigation. Some of the most common types of digital navigational charts include:

  1. Electronic Charts: These are digital versions of traditional paper navigational charts that can be used on computers and other electronic devices.

  2. Radionavigation Charts: These charts are used for navigation using radionavigation systems such as GPS or GLONASS.

  3. 3D Charts: These are three-dimensional models of the terrain that allow mariners to visualize the seabed relief and other physical features of the area.

  4. Aerophotomaps: These maps are created based on aerial images of the area, allowing mariners to see the surroundings at a high resolution.

  5. Hydrographic Charts: These charts depict underwater relief and hydrographic features such as marine currents, tides, and depths.

  6. Topographic Charts: These charts show the terrain and physical features of the land surface and can be used for navigation at sea near the coastline.

Depending on the navigation objectives and sailing conditions, mariners and navigators can use different types of digital navigational charts to ensure safety at sea and successfully accomplish their tasks.

Navigation mapping focuses specifically on providing information for effective and efficient movement from one location to another. Unlike regular maps, navigation maps emphasize details such as roads, highways, landmarks, and turn-by-turn directions to guide users during travel.
Navigation maps use GPS (Global Positioning System) technology to determine the user's precise location on Earth. By receiving signals from satellites, GPS-enabled devices can calculate position, speed, and direction, ensuring accurate and real-time navigation information for users.
Routing algorithms in navigation mapping analyze various factors, including distance, traffic conditions, and travel time, to determine the most efficient route between a starting point and a destination. These algorithms help users navigate quickly and avoid congested or less optimal paths.
Navigation mapping applications often incorporate real-time traffic data obtained through GPS, mobile networks, and crowd-sourced information. This allows users to receive up-to-the-minute traffic updates, reroute around congested areas, and make informed decisions for a smoother and more efficient journey.
Augmented reality and voice-guided navigation have transformed the user experience in navigation mapping. AR overlays digital information onto the real-world view, providing intuitive visual cues, while voice-guided navigation offers hands-free directions, improving safety and convenience for users as they navigate unfamiliar routes.


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