Thematic mapping — a geographical map whose content is defined by a specific theme. Thematic maps represent the distribution of various natural and socio-economic objects and phenomena, characterizing them qualitatively and quantitatively, showing the interrelationships between these objects and phenomena, and their development over time.

Special maps — are maps used for detailed examination of the terrain, aviation navigation support, transportation organization, and other specialized tasks (the list is regulated by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 7, 2020, No. 1369).

Purposes of thematic maps

Geological maps - for understanding global, regional, and local characteristics of the Earth's crust structure, ongoing geological processes, exploration of mineral resources, and more.

Geophysical maps - for studying geodynamic phenomena and processes occurring in the Earth's shells and core, and for exploration of mineral deposits.

Relief maps - for examining the morphology, genesis, age, and dynamics of land and seafloor relief.

Types of thematic mapping

Climate maps - for analyzing and forecasting the climate of territories and its elements by months, seasons, years, climatic periods, and epochs.

Hydrological maps - for studying the distribution of surface water regime, composition, and properties of terrestrial waters, water balance, and resources of territories.

Oceanographic maps - for studying the world's oceans.

Soil maps - used in soil cadastre accounting, economic assessment of soils, development of agronomic measures and land reclamation, and combating soil erosion.

Zoogeographic maps - for inventory, studying the distribution and migration of animals, their interactions with the environment, and for developing measures for the conservation and reproduction of wildlife.

Socio-economic maps are used in Earth sciences and the development of projects for the development of World Ocean resources, economic assessment of resources, planning measures for their conservation and reproduction, development, and placement of reproduction, extraction of mineral resources on the continental shelf, etc.


Purposes and Objectives of thematic mapping

The purpose of thematic mapping and special maps is for evaluative research on:

  • Living conditions of the population, the impact of climate on people's health, and adaptability to adverse weather and climatic factors;
  • Agroclimatic conditions and the influence of climate fluctuations on agricultural crop yields;
  • Territory development conditions for civil, industrial, and other types of construction;
  • Recreational conditions of the area, and much more.

The main objective of creating (updating) thematic and special maps is to obtain cartographic products that correspond as closely as possible to the actual state of the area, created in accordance with applicable regulatory and technical documents and the Technical Task.

Maps of exploration and development areas are necessary to solve the following tasks in the oil and gas industry:

  • Identification and study of hazardous geological processes;
  • Determination of karst hazard of the territory;
  • Identification of swamps and marshy areas;
  • Determination of ravine and gully erosion;
  • Identification of potentially hazardous landslide areas.

For safe planning of infrastructure development in oil and gas fields, a complete understanding of the surrounding environment is necessary.

As a result of decoding remote sensing materials, the following aspects are identified:

  • Areas with potential development of landslide processes;
  • Areas with potential development of karst processes;
  • Marshy areas;
  • Ravine and gully network and areas with potential development of ravine and gully processes;
  • Determination of soil types;
  • Determination of types of Quaternary deposits.

In the process of field and laboratory work, the potentially hazardous areas found are verified on-site through soil, rock, and water sampling, chemical analysis, and documentation of field surveys and sampling protocols for quantitative chemical analysis.

The result of decoding remote sensing materials, thematic mapping, sampling, and analysis is the creation of maps of potentially hazardous geological processes. The set of thematic maps should provide information about the natural conditions of the territory where construction will take place and factors of technogenic impact on the environment, evaluation of hazardous processes and phenomena, and the development of measures for environmental protection.

Project Implementation Mechanism:

By using own resources: obtaining and analyzing remote sensing materials, spatial referencing, creating orthophotos, creating digital elevation models (DEM), and creating digital thematic cartographic materials.

Through local partners: fieldwork, chemical and analytical research.

Depending on the customer's requirements, the following thematic maps can be created:

  • Engineering-geological zoning map;
  • Engineering-geological conditions map with a table of characteristics of identified taxons;
  • Map of factual material based on a situational plan;
  • Map of hazardous geological and engineering-geological processes;
  • Map of karst development and karst hazard;
  • Map-scheme of hazardous geological processes development.
The result of the work should provide sufficient materials and data for the project justification of the locations for the placement of territorial and linear facilities, the development of measures and structures for engineering protection, protection of the geological environment, and the creation of safe living conditions for the population, and the development of construction organization projects.

Advantages of Using Remote Sensing Data in Thematic Maps

High and very high-resolution satellite imagery can be obtained more promptly as they may already be in the archives of the operator, and new imagery does not require any coordination with competent authorities.

In addition, aerial imagery allows obtaining images with high spatial resolution (up to 1 cm/pixel) and provides a higher level of detail for orthophotos and models, ensuring the root mean square error (RMSE) of coordinate determination is less than 10 cm. Aerial imagery can also be conducted below continuous cloud cover.

Remote sensing data enable the following:

  • Precise localization of potentially hazardous geological areas;
  • Minimizing fieldwork;
  • Reducing anthropogenic impact on the development territory;
  • Significantly reducing the time required for engineering surveys due to the overview and speed of obtaining remote sensing data.

Prices for services

Consultation Free of charge
Search for images, preliminary analysis of the availability of source data, additional and reference materials Free of charge
Image Ordering From $0.5 to $70 per 1 km2, depending on the type of imagery (archive-new, mono-stereo, resolution)*
Cost of Creating Orthophotomaps From $1 per 1 km2, calculated individually for each specific order, depending on the amount of remote sensing data processed, presence (absence) of ground control points, and the used digital elevation model (DEM).
Cost of Creating (Updating) 1 Topographic Map Sheet The cost of creating 1 nomenclature sheet of the map starts from 40,000 rubles and depends on the map scale, complexity category, execution period, and number of nomenclature sheets. The cost of updating depends on the degree of map obsolescence but does not exceed 50% of the creation cost.
Execution Period From 20 working days (depends on the volume, complexity category, availability of remote sensing data, additional and reference materials)

The total cost of creating one nomenclature sheet of the map (from 40,000 rubles) includes the cost of remote sensing data materials used to create the orthophotomap, the cost of the work to produce it, the map's scale, complexity category, and creation period. The cost of updating depends on the degree of obsolescence of the updated map but does not exceed 50% of the creation cost.

The cost of execution is calculated on an individual basis, taking into account a specific of task.

After receiving the task description, we calculate the cost and send you a commercial offer.

Period of execution

Agreement of questions, analysis of the availability of remote sensing data (RS), source map materials, additional and reference data: from 1 to 5*
Contract signing: from 1 to 5*
Obtaining images: from 3 to 10**
Requesting and obtaining source map materials from the State Cartographic and Geodetic Control and Documentation (if necessary): from 1 to 20*
Creation of orthophotomaps (COFP): from 5*
Deciphering and vectorization: from 15*
Summarizing adjacent sheets, performing checks: from 5 to 10*
Report preparation: from 5 to 10
TOTAL TIME: from 20*

* working days
** from the date of receiving 100% advance payment for remote sensing data materials

The timelines for cartographic works depend on the number of nomenclature sheets, scale, and type of the created product, availability of archive remote sensing data, additional and reference materials.

It is essential to understand the purpose of creating the map, know the size, terrain characteristics, and required accuracy of the product to calculate the cost and timelines of the work.

How to place an order:

  1. STEP #1: Leave a request on the website, specifying:
    • Mapping area (coordinates, district, region, shapefile, etc.);
    • Requirements for the map (scale, creation-update, map type);
    • Requirements for remote sensing data (RSD, availability of source map materials, additional and reference data);
    • Work completion deadlines.
  2. STEP #2: Coordination of technical specifications and cost:
    • Purchase of remote sensing data, images are paid separately (from $8 to $70 per 1 km2 depending on the type of imagery, archival-new, mono-stereo, resolution);
    • Coordination of the work execution technology and requirements for the created product.
  3. STEP #3: Contract signing and commencement of work

The starting time for creating orthophotomaps (COFP) for deciphering and vectorization is 5 working days from the date of receiving 100% advance payment for remote sensing data materials. Payment is only accepted via bank transfer. The deciphering and vectorization of objects will begin 3 days after the start of COFP creation.

Need for consultation?

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By clicking the «Send» button, you give your consent to the processing of your personal data, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 «On Personal Data», on the conditions and for the purposes specified in the Consent to the processing of personal data.

Stages of service provision

STEP № 0 (Prior to the conclusion of the contract):

  • Determining the purpose of creating (updating) thematic and special maps;
  • Familiarization with the area of interest;
  • Agreeing on the accuracy characteristics of the product;
  • Preliminary selection and evaluation of archival remote sensing data (DZZ) for compliance with requirements;
  • Planning new imagery if necessary;
  • Determining the availability of cartographic products from the Client, in the federal spatial data fund, for updating or creating a new project.

RESULT: Possibility (YES/NO) of providing the service

STEP № 1 (Prior to the conclusion of the contract):

  • Agreeing with the client on the availability of remote sensing data (DZZ) available in the operator's archives or ordering new imagery;
  • Determining the work technology and confirming with the client the methodology and deadlines;
  • Agreeing with the client on the projection, coordinate system, and height of the created (updated) thematic and special map;
  • Approving with the client the volume of additional data that must be included in the created project;
  • Approving with the client the Technical task for the entire scope of work;
  • Determining the labor costs, costs for remote sensing data materials, additional and reference data, and agreeing on delivery times and the total cost of the work.

RESULT: Signed contract

STEP № 2 (Execution of the contract):

  1. Receiving advance payment (100% prepayment for the purchase of remote sensing data materials);
  2. Ordering remote sensing data materials (conducting new imagery), ordering from available data funds, collecting and analyzing additional and reference materials;
  3. Preparing, agreeing, and approving editorial and technical instructions for the creation (update) of thematic and special maps with the Client;
  4. Incoming control of remote sensing data materials;
  5. Creating digital orthophotoplans necessary for the creation (update) of thematic and special maps;
  6. Deciphering orthophotoplans (thematic processing of remote sensing data), vectorization of terrain objects for creating (updating) thematic and special maps;
  7. Performing visual and automated control of the created product;
  8. Exporting the created (updated) project to the required formats, projection, and coordinate system;
  9. Writing a technical report.

The result of the provision of services

Cartographic products, in formats, projection, coordinate system, and height, according to the Technical Task, consist of remote sensing data (RSD) in the form of digital orthophotoplans and source images, a set of additional and reference materials used in the work, editorial and technical instructions, and a technical report. All results will be delivered on electronic media or via the Internet through FTP servers, with text materials also duplicated in printed form.

Requirements for Source Data

For the qualitative execution of preliminary work, the following must be provided:

  • Coordinates of the cartographic area (in any convenient form)
  • Scale and type of the created (updated) map, format of presentation, how to provide data (per nomenclature sheets or within the cartographic area), projection, coordinate system, and height;
  • Availability of source cartographic materials, additional, and reference data;
  • Lists of coordinates of reference points for photogrammetric processing of remote sensing data;
  • Requirements for the object composition, semantic information of the created (updated) map;
  • The need for the development and coordination of Editorial and Technical Instructions for creating (updating) cartographic products.

If it is not possible to provide the specified information, it is necessary to provide information on the purpose of the maps and the types of work that are planned to be performed using the maps. The specialists of GEO INNOTER will analyze the information and prepare an optimal offer for creating (updating) cartographic products (maps).

In the process of creating up-to-date thematic maps, existing topographic maps and plans are systematized and used, the completeness and accuracy of which meet the requirements of the created scale, as well as engineering-geological maps, the results of surveys from previous years describing the development of exogenous processes in the survey area, and additional and reference materials (including materials from the CGCF, territorial inspections of the State Geonadzor, and reference-information systems of other agencies).

Photogrammetric processing of remote sensing data (DZZ) includes the creation of a plan-altitude basis, creation of a digital elevation model (DEM), obtaining synthesized images, and orthotransformation of images. The construction of a digital elevation model allows identifying a number of geological processes, such as solifluction and landslides, for example.

Deciphering of synthesized orthophotos, "attached" to the digital elevation model, allows not only detailing geological processes but also in some cases more accurately identifying the areas where a particular process occurs.

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  • area of interest (location / coordinates of the object in any convenient form, and area of the object);
  • the specific problem to be solved using the digital topographic map
As the main material for creation (update) of thematic and special maps, RS materials available in archives of spacecraft operators for the most current date are used, or new imagery is ordered. In addition, when creating (updating) maps, additional and reference materials are used in the form of various geographical descriptions, maps and atlases of larger (small) scale, reference books, as well as data available to the Customer. The map to be updated can be a map available in the collections of the CGCAP or a map provided by the Customer.
  • The terms of creating a digital topographic map based on space or aerial survey data depend on the volume and complexity of the order. The minimum term - from 5 (five) working days;
  • Delivery time of finished digital topographic maps from 5 (five) working days.
100% prepayment by invoice after signing the contract.
Thematic mapping involves the visualization of specific themes or topics on a map, focusing on conveying information related to a particular subject. Unlike general or topographic mapping, thematic maps are designed to highlight and communicate specific spatial patterns or distributions.
Thematic mapping addresses a wide range of themes, including population distribution, climate patterns, land use, economic indicators, and more. These maps contribute valuable insights in fields such as demographics, environmental science, urban planning, and social sciences by presenting spatial relationships and trends related to specific themes.
Color symbology is employed in thematic mapping to represent different values or categories associated with the chosen theme. Color helps visually distinguish and emphasize variations, making it easier for map readers to interpret and understand the patterns or trends depicted on the map.
Choropleth maps are a common type of thematic map that uses shading or coloring to represent variations in quantitative data across geographic areas. These maps are effective in illustrating spatial patterns of variables such as population density, income levels, or disease prevalence, providing a clear visual representation of data distribution.
Geographic Information System (GIS) technology has revolutionized the creation and analysis of thematic maps. GIS allows for the integration of various data layers, spatial analysis, and dynamic map creation. It enhances the precision and efficiency of thematic mapping, enabling professionals in fields such as public health, environmental science, and urban planning to make informed decisions based on spatial data.

A thematic map, also known as a special-purpose, single-topic, or statistical map, is a type of map specifically designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area. Unlike general reference maps, which show a variety of natural and human-made features, thematic maps focus on a particular subject or theme. 

Examples of themes that a thematic map might depict include:

  1. Population density
  2. Climate patterns
  3. Soil types
  4. Economic activities
  5. Health statistics
  6. Vegetation zones
  7. Language distribution
  8. Transport networks

Thematic maps are used to emphasize spatial variation and can be represented through various visualization techniques such as:

  • Choropleth maps: Use differences in shading, coloring, or placing of symbols within predefined areas to indicate the average values of a property or quantity in those areas.
  • Isopleth maps: Use contour lines to represent areas of equal value, such as elevation or temperature.
  • Proportional symbol maps: Use symbols of varying sizes to represent data magnitude at specific locations.
  • Dot density maps: Use dots to represent the frequency of a variable in a given area.

These maps are valuable tools in fields such as geography, demography, environmental science, public health, economics, and urban planning, providing insights into spatial relationships and patterns that might not be readily apparent in other data presentations.

A thematic map shows the spatial distribution of a particular theme or subject within a specific geographic area. It focuses on illustrating a single aspect or a set of related aspects, rather than providing a general overview of various features. Here are some examples of what a thematic map might show:

  1. Population Distribution:

    • Population density across regions
    • Age demographics
    • Urban vs. rural population
  2. Economic Data:

    • Income levels
    • Employment rates
    • Industrial or agricultural production areas
  3. Health and Disease:

    • Distribution of diseases or health conditions
    • Access to healthcare facilities
    • Life expectancy rates
  4. Environmental Features:

    • Climate zones
    • Soil types
    • Vegetation coverage
  5. Social and Cultural Aspects:

    • Language distribution
    • Religious affiliations
    • Educational attainment levels
  6. Political Information:

    • Election results
    • Administrative boundaries
    • Voting patterns
  7. Infrastructure and Services:

    • Transportation networks
    • Public utilities distribution (e.g., water, electricity)
    • Availability of schools and hospitals
  8. Natural Resources:

    • Locations of mineral deposits
    • Water resource availability
    • Forest coverage

By highlighting specific data, thematic maps make it easier to understand patterns, trends, and relationships related to the chosen theme, providing valuable insights for analysis, decision-making, and planning.

Thematic maps are tools that focus on the spatial variability of a specific distribution or theme (such as population density, temperature, or economic activities). Unlike general reference maps, which show a variety of physical features, thematic maps highlight specific data sets tied to a geographic area.

Thematic maps are invaluable for:

  • Data Analysis: They simplify complex data into visual formats that are easier to analyze.
  • Decision Making: By highlighting trends and patterns, thematic maps support informed decision-making processes.
  • Communication: They provide a clear and effective way to communicate data to stakeholders and the public.
At Innoter, we offer comprehensive thematic mapping services tailored to your needs. Our maps are meticulously crafted to ensure accuracy and clarity, supporting your projects with the best possible visual data representation.
With years of experience and a commitment to quality, Innoter stands out as a leader in thematic mapping services. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the tools you need to visualize your data accurately and effectively.

Thematic maps are specialized maps that focus on specific themes or subjects within a geographic area. They are designed to illustrate particular phenomena, making them valuable tools for data visualization. Here are some common types of thematic maps:

Choropleth Maps

Description: Choropleth maps represent data through varying shades or colors applied to predefined areas such as countries, states, or counties. Each shade or color represents a range of values, making it easy to see patterns and distributions at a glance.


  • Population Density: Visualizing the number of people per unit area.
  • Economic Data: Showing GDP, income levels, or unemployment rates across regions.
  • Public Health: Mapping disease prevalence or vaccination rates.

Example: A choropleth map of the United States might use darker shades of blue to indicate higher income levels and lighter shades to represent lower income levels.


  • Easily interpretable visual representation.
  • Effective for comparing geographic regions.


  • May obscure variations within the regions.
  • Requires careful selection of color schemes to avoid misinterpretation.

Isarithmic (Isoline) Maps

Description: Isarithmic maps, also known as isoline maps, use contour lines to depict continuous data across a geographic area. Each line connects points of equal value, creating a smooth gradient of data representation.


  • Topography: Showing elevation levels.
  • Meteorology: Mapping temperature, precipitation, or pressure.
  • Environmental Studies: Illustrating pollution levels or soil moisture.

Example: A weather map displaying temperature variations might use isotherms (lines of equal temperature) to show how temperature changes across a region.


  • Effective for displaying continuous data.
  • Provides a clear visualization of gradients and transitions.


  • Requires accurate data for meaningful contour lines.
  • Can be complex to interpret for some users.

Dot Density Maps

Description: Dot density maps use dots to represent the frequency or occurrence of a phenomenon within a specified area. Each dot corresponds to a specific quantity, allowing viewers to see spatial distributions and densities.


  • Demographics: Visualizing population distribution within a city.
  • Epidemiology: Mapping the spread of diseases.
  • Crime Analysis: Showing the concentration of criminal incidents.

Example: A dot density map of a city might use dots to represent the number of households. Areas with more dots indicate higher population density.


  • Provides a clear visual of concentration and distribution.
  • Can show fine-scale patterns that other map types might miss.


  • Dot placement can sometimes be misleading if not randomized within the area.
  • Can become cluttered if the data density is too high.

Proportional Symbol Maps

Description: Proportional symbol maps use symbols of varying sizes to represent data values at specific locations. Larger symbols indicate higher values, making it easy to compare different locations.


  • Economic Indicators: Visualizing company revenues or market sizes.
  • Population: Showing city populations on a national map.
  • Environmental Data: Representing pollution levels at different sites.


  • Effective for showing quantitative differences.
  • Symbols are easily understandable.


  • Symbols can overlap and obscure information in densely populated areas.


Description: Cartograms distort the geometry of regions to represent data, such as population size or economic output. Areas are resized according to the data values they represent, rather than their actual geographic size.


  • Population Studies: Showing countries resized by population rather than land area.
  • Economic Data: Resizing regions by GDP or resource production.


  • Provides a unique visual perspective.
  • Highlights the relative importance of data over geographic size.


  • Can be difficult to interpret geographic locations.
  • May require additional explanation for viewers.


Thematic maps are powerful tools for visualizing and interpreting data. By understanding the different types of thematic maps such as choropleth, isarithmic, and dot density maps you can choose the most appropriate method for representing your data. Each type has its own strengths and is suited to different kinds of data, making thematic maps versatile and essential in many fields.


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